what does it mean to be empowered? i saw a video of a female "twerking" her boobs, and i thought it was a cool little feat, i can wiggle my ears, pretty much the same skill set, different body part. one of the comments was ranting however that this was not empowerment so now i am wondering, what is empowerment? we need to define it before we refuse it, no? i say, if she willingly made the video to share, then whatever. it doesnt promote objectification as nothing the video implys she is an object, just a person with good pectoral muscles, and whats to show off. i dont see how it hurts women because there is only one female on screen, looks self made, and everyone already knows girls have boobs (spoiler alert?)
is the act of saying that it doesnt empower women and that it objectifies them an easier way of saying "i dont like this for my own reasons but dont want to sound like a prude?" i mean what is empowerment but the freedom of choice to do stuff like show off your boob talents?