i would first off like to say i give this movie 3.5 stars out of 5. it was very entertaining, Liam Neeson brought what he always does and delivered what we all expect. the low growling voice, the glare, and the punch. the plot however is where the movie shined (until the end), shaking up the usual action movie formula, making this feel like more of a straight up thriller than an action movie. the suspense is top notch, and i found myself forgetting that i had a soda at hand. the supporting cast lacks at moments, and some of the dialog feels forced, but overall is good. the only place the movie feels phoned in is the resolution with the villains, but that one small mistep does not ruin the movie, and is forgivable as the rest of the film is so tight. a very enjoyable film, and i recommend seeing it in theater for full effect, a good matinee film.