I'm Irish, damned proud, work in a bar, and all that jazz. Fuck St. Patrick day. hard. with a chainsaw. fuck all these dumbass fucking assholes who stroll on in in plastic green bowler hats, order fucking Guinness like its required of them, get obnoxious and stupid, and puke all over my fucking bar, and start fights because "we're irish, what else do you want"
no you arnt irish. you are a dumbass american motherfucker who wants an excuse to be shitfaced for a weekend. you are an annoying idiot who needs to be taken out back and beaten for a while. explain to me what st. patrick did, why he got a holiday, and MAYBE i wont fucking hate you. but still, dont walk up to me, put on a stupid fake irish accent, and tell me "we all have a touch of the leprichan" cause i will stab you in the fucking gut.
ok....rant over