The other day at work i heard two of my co-workers discussing how our manager was "playing the game" with a girl he was trying to make sex with. I had never heard of any games to be played before sex other than a "Strip" version of a traditional game like poker, monopoly or russian roulette. my co-workers informed the game was a series of mind fucks people pull on one another to trick them into an emotional commitment, fuck them, then move on. I was then explained how "EVERYONE" plays the game.
This bothered me to no end, and still does. these two women i work with had become so jaded that they felt that every man plays mind games to sleep with them, and not only that but knowing my manager, who is a raging asshole to women, and DOES play mind games, it is kind of sickening to think that people actually do. The worst lie i ever told to help my chances for sex was "oh, i like those new pants" when really i wanted to burn the new pants for being unholy abominations of fabric.
but i was told that this GAME (why is it called a game? it doesnt sound like fun) is what nearly all men do, lies and half truths and trickery, and i have started to notice other men-folk bragging about their "game-plan". My manager was bragging about how to get a girl to beg him for a second date (so he wot have to wait for a third date to seal the deal) he took her on a super romantic first date, then did call her for a few days, till she came to him, then played it super aloof, and THEN fucked her. His justification was "well she IS a bit crazy so i dont mind fucking with her"
of course she is "crazy"....shes being treated like THAT.
i know im using my manager as the prime example and the argument can be made that maybe he is just the raging, VD riddled asshole, and it isnt MEN, just that one MAN, but really he is just the one i ran into most recently (8 hours ago at work). a lot of my male friends from college, work, and other group do talk about their tactics alot, and how they play "the game".
I'll wrap this up because I'm sure no one has read this far, but if the goal of this game is to have sex, which on a "casual" level is considered adult fun, why cant we act like adults while trying to have sex? why do these power games and mind fuckery? no one actually wins, one person gets destroyed emotionally, causing them to become super jaded, the other gets the re-enforcement that its OK to act like that to get sex, becoming more of an asshole. be honest, be adults, and any one who considers themselves a player (oh hey...i just got that...) can go fuck a flagpole.