The best part of not sleeping is you get to start a new writting project, and as you havnt had any sleep everything seems like a good idea, so here is the first little bit of what i wrote, enjoy and feel free to rip it to shreds :)
“I hope you realize this is your fault.” Lilly said through the walls, “They are going to execute us you know, hang us, shoot us, boil us, quarter us, let a troll stamp on us, and a thousand other things and it’s YOUR FAULT!”
I sighed and leaned my head against the wall her voice was coming out of, and I had to admit that she was technically correct, but I would never let her know that I agreed. In my defense it was a complete accident, a diplomatic slip up born from pure ignorance of fae culture. It was a good joke, the pacing was excellent, and my delivery was spot on, they just didn’t think it was nearly as funny as I did. The joke, which I cannot legally reproduce here as of the writing of this manuscript, not only annoyed, offended and outraged all the fairy diplomats and nobles in attendance at the ball, but really everyone else there to, and I believe that during the brawl the followed in the wake of my joke, blood had been spilt.
The arrest came as I tried to slink out the back, and I believe the official charge was public disturbance, which usually meant I paid a fine or some favor, but this was a new caliber of trouble I was in. Lilly was a member of the embassy guards, and she got herself arrest trying to talk down the other guards from arresting me. She said I was an ass and a fool, but that’s my job, I’m a professional fool. That was 4 hours ago and from when I was thrown in my cell, and Lilly into her cell next to mine, she hadn’t stopped ranting about treason and execution.
I knew they weren’t going to kill us, torture perhaps but I’ve been tortured, it isn’t that bad and most things grow back. The worst they could really do was exile me and Lilly, forcing us never to come back to fae territory ever again. This notion didn’t bother me as most fae creatures paid and tipped me in saps, honeys and other small produce products like berries, which while nice is very troublesome in the long run. Lilly, being a fairy herself, might have a bigger problem with exile. She would lose her military commission, her home, well everything really, and if she was lucky they wouldn’t strip her magic too severely.
I pulled at one of the threads hanging off of my old jacket where my bells once hung, finding myself wondering if I would be able to get them back, or I would have to find and enchant new ones. I always found the sound bells make very comforting, for reasons I never really understood, and with fairy laws against metal, I had to remove them before entering the embassy. Most times when I did a fairy gig I was able to keep my bells with a few extra coin slipped to the right people, but for such a formal event as tonight was supposed to be, that didn’t fly.