OK, so i know I'm late to this party, but seriously people, why is Miley Cyrus getting so much hate lately? I just dont get it. Wreaking Ball isn't a terrible song and i liked the video. it was full of provocative images which invoked a lot of psyco-sexual imagry. Licking the sledgehammer shows how attracted she was to this destructive relationship, same with the actual wreaking ball. Its a break up song about an intense relationship, and she feels completly torn apart, and longing for that relationship back but knowing shes better without it due to how abusive it was. I'm not even a psych person and i got that. It's fairly artistic if you ask me, which you didnt but fuck you.
Also, at that music award show where she did her shocking preformance, I was only shocked by Robin Thicks Beatlejuice outfit. Nothing Miley did hadnt been done before by any other artist. fuck, Lady Gaga does more shocking things walking down the street. she is simply an artist finding her adult voice. also, she is fucking hot with that hair cut.