Before i get into any heavy criticize of this movie, let me say, i had a freakin blast watching it. It was so much fun and simply the best kind of "turn off your brain and enjoy movies" like starship troopers and 300.
The acting was very over the top however, with actors either mumbling lines in a brooding fashion (looking at YOU Charlie Hunnam) or shouting them (Idris Elba) Though the over acting oscar goes to Charlie Day, who threw me for a loop and i seriously couldnt get past It Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and it didnt help that Charlie was pretty much the same character, only slightly smarter but just as manic and crazy. Ron Perlman makes his token appearance, as "pretty much hell boy and Clay Marrow" and he does a great job at being that guy.
The monsters looked fantastc, all giant and glowing blue, and as long as you are happy with the explanation of what they are (its very thin, and said very fast by Charlie Day in a panic attack ...just imagine that for a second). I personally wasnt satisfied by the explinaton and really wanted to know more about the monsters, but the movie was already pretty long.
To top off the movie does have a lot of plot holes, plot holes that when you start to think too hard about them really just make everyone in the movie seem really underqualified for the job of best/last hope. the ending in particular is very hole tastic, but it had less plot holes than the huger games so thats a plus.
3/5 stars: Im glad i watched it, a fun flick to watch with friends on sci-fi night, but i doubt id watch it by myself to deconstruct and analyse. It's certainly a group affair movie so you can all shout "OOOO and AHHHH" together.