OK, the Octopus is a seriously under-rated and freakishly awesome animal. It deserves some more love. It is a remarkable mollusk for the simple fact that it can change the colour and texture of its skin instantly, squids can only do colour. seriously, look it up on the Youtube, its fucking cool. the level of intelligence they have is also scary. if those 8 armed bastards lived longer, they would figure out how to survive above water and whip us out. each of its arms have a nerve cluster which serve as smaller, secondary brains for the arm, allow each arm a level of independent thought. each sucker is independent, like your fingers, and dexterious enough to untie surgical sutures.
i could go on, and will if you ask because i love them. you should too, because they are better than your favorite animal. i welcome the debate.
i could go on, and will if you ask because i love them. you should too, because they are better than your favorite animal. i welcome the debate.
Not only to mention the fact that they're the most wonderful mothers on this planet. They lay their eggs, and then protect them until they hatch. They don't leave the nest once, and they actually die just as the babies hatch. Giving them the best possible chance of living...So beautiful! I love octopus!!
Thank you so much!!!!