I'm only updating because I don't want to look at the last journal anymore. Unfortunately, since writing it, things took a turn for the worst kitten-wise. While we feared for Pudge, who could have a potentially serious condition, we only considered that Frosty was the comic aside, the shitting kitten that would provide some toilet humour comic relief when considered against Pudge. Sadly, her condition was a lot more serious that we had thought. We took her to the vet, who noticed that there was a mass in her intestines that was preventing her from pooing properly, and surgery was the only option. When the vet operated he discovered that the mass was actually a tumour, and that Frosty was ridden with cancer.The cancer was at an advanced stage and inoperable. Spinky and I had to take the regretable decision to have her put down yesterday, and we are still devasted about her. She was so adorable, and so loved, yet It seems like only yesterday that we went to the shelter to pick her up. Of all the kittens there she was the first to assault us with her purring cuteness, and I knew instantly that we were definitely going to take her home. She got more love than any kitten who pooed everywhere has any right to receive, and now she's gone. RIP.

are you not online that much anymore?
Im sorry to hear about you kitty, losing an animal can be so hard.