It has been a long time since my last blog/update. Life is going well. For Christmas my wife purchased a Kindle for me. I kept telling her that I really did not want an electronic book. When it comes to books I am a traditionalist and like to have real books to read. I like the smell of old books and the feel of the paper. I told her that it was so much easier to just carry one of my old books with me and to be able to open it up and read it whenever and wherever I liked. I just did not like the feel and touch of the Kindle. She asked me to humor her and give the Kindle a try. Boy was I fool. The Kindle was and is a bibliophiles dream and then some. Once I started using it and found out all of its neat features I was hooked. I could carry a virtual library of hundreds of books in one small thin package. No more turning pages or having to rabbit ear a page to mark my spot. And if I wanted I could let the Kindle read to me. The clutter on my desk and floor was reduced as books were added to the Kindle instead of to the previous mess in my office. Where once there was chaos I now had at least one organized library in my house and office. Instead of having to carry a large 1000 page book and struggle to read it on the train or subway, I now just balanced a light weight Kindle. It was pure joy. I cannot conceive of going back to the old way. Now I still go to the library and check out old paper books but these I reserve for reading at home. I guess I should have recognized that this change was inevitable. As a lawyer most of my legal reading is now online with electronic books but I was still dragging my feet when it came to my fun time reading. Now all or most of my reading is in the electronic form and I would not go back. It is so much easier and lighter to use the Kindle. My wife wishes she could give a Kindle to each of her kindergarten students and put all their books on it. They would have one light weight source with all their reading materials. I wish the Kindle had existed when I went to law school. It would have been so much nicer to carry it instead of the telephone book size casebooks we had to tote. I never thought of myself as a dinosaur but when it came to making this transition I realized that I was. I am glad that I did make the change and my regret is that I did not do it sooner. I am also glad that my wife gave me the push to try something new.