I am _______. Please feel free to fill in the blank. So many people seem willing to do so on a daily basis and most of them I do not even know. So far today I have been called : asshole ( 3 times, and yes I have one) , bastard (1 time, and I know for a fact that my parents were married at the time of my conception), cocksucker (1 time, and no I have never performed this sex act on myself or anyone else), Daddy (too many times to count, being called, not number of times a father), faggot (3-5 times called and I find this highly offensive), fucker (5 times called and I enjoy the act ), fucking something or a derivation thereof (10-20 times, I lost count and interest being called this), idiot (twice called and come on this is the best insult you can think of), Jew lover (twice, my partner and associate is Jewish), motherfucker (5 times, one I can plead guilty to, but only with my wife, not with my mom), prick (twice, yes I have one and I have pricked my finger on occasion ), son-of-a-bitch (6-9 times, I know my mom was not a dog), and there was much more but I gave up with the list because frankly I was bored. I used to get pissed off and respond with a verbal barrage of my own. Now I have mellowed and figure why respond to this grade school name calling? I like to think that I have matured some from the days of the playground. Being a lawyer you get used to lawyer jokes but I am witnessing more than just attacks on my person because I am a lawyer. I can be walking across the street and if I do not walk fast enough for a waiting driver I can be told, Get the hell out of the way you bastard! Or heaven help us if I happen to be making a deposit at the bank and it takes longer then the guy in line behind thinks it should take and so I hear, Come on you fucking idiot, some of us have to get to work. What did he think I was doing there?
When it become acceptable to swear and call people names in public? Did I miss the memo? I can understand when this happens in court when someone gets an unfavorable ruling and thinks I am the cause. I do not mind when the opposition gets mad at me. But on the street just walking around why are complete strangers treated as targets of hate? I can remember that old playground song Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. That was such a crock of bull. Words do hurt. It is part of bullying and now it seems no one stands up to bullying. Well I have grown tired of it and will be taking a stand from this day forth. So I am ______. Please feel free to fill the blank in. But be warned. I may take offense at you fill in and therefore I will feel free to take the appropriate response.
When it become acceptable to swear and call people names in public? Did I miss the memo? I can understand when this happens in court when someone gets an unfavorable ruling and thinks I am the cause. I do not mind when the opposition gets mad at me. But on the street just walking around why are complete strangers treated as targets of hate? I can remember that old playground song Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. That was such a crock of bull. Words do hurt. It is part of bullying and now it seems no one stands up to bullying. Well I have grown tired of it and will be taking a stand from this day forth. So I am ______. Please feel free to fill the blank in. But be warned. I may take offense at you fill in and therefore I will feel free to take the appropriate response.