From NPR:
"Morning Edition, February 12, 2009 - On Tuesday, the world's largest ticket broker announced plans to merge with the nation's largest concert promoter. On Wednesday, several prominent lawmakers spoke out against the deal between Ticketmaster and Live Nation, which they say would be bad for consumers. Shortly after that press conference, the Department of Justice announced it's investigating the proposed merger" [....]
"If these two entities were to merge," Schumer said, "control of concert venues and representation of artists in those venues would be controlled by one organization, having profound and far-reaching implication for consumers, promoters and artists alike."
NPR coverage in full
On a brighter note..........some vacation pics....
(Miami has become a serious contender for re-location after graduation on the other hand I always become overly-enamored with big cities)

From the pages of Face Book...........I've officially become part of the chain post "25 Things"
1 .Im an introverted-extrovert
2. I feel that spelling and grammar Nazis should find something less fucking typical to be judgmental about (that being said I will spell-check this before posting).
3. I can be moody
4. Sometimes my sarcasm is misinterpreted..and then I get all tongue tied and apologetic trying to explain myself.
5. I am defiantly neurotic I have found a small community of people who may or may not enjoy this about me.
6. One of my most embarresing moments was spent it and the person with me lived to tell the tale quite a few times (you know who you are).
7. I try to avoid essentializing things.
8. I tend to essentialize things.
9. I want a half sleeve of the Kremlin/Nesting Dolls on my left arm but am afraid I must do it before this august when I turn 30, otherwise Ill officially be too old. I also realize this is an arbitrary and fucking stupid conundrum.
10. Christian Lander in right..white people do like to assert their supposed intellect and superiority by being self deprecating. I am a good example of this.
11. I wonder why I cant be more fashionable.
12. I want to detox..mostly b/c a pretty woman from South Africa told me I should do so.
13. I dont like feeling managed
14. I attempt to over-compensate for being hyper sensitive by presenting myself entirely tougher then I actually am.
15. If I find you to be a genius and/or really attractive I may loose my ability to speak in front of you- Im socially suave like that.
16. Life isnt linear.this realization has been a long time in the making for me.
17. I may be getting the hang of meditation
18. Photography is currently one of my favorite things to do.
19. I prefer shooting black and white to color
20. I have a temper and I have special people in my life that love me despite this.
21. Im dyslexic
22. Im left handed..living in a right handers world
23. I like answering peoples questions about sex and sexuality.
24. Im a recovering catholic (see #22).
25. Until pretty recently I believe centaurs most defiantly existed
From NPR:
"Morning Edition, February 12, 2009 - On Tuesday, the world's largest ticket broker announced plans to merge with the nation's largest concert promoter. On Wednesday, several prominent lawmakers spoke out against the deal between Ticketmaster and Live Nation, which they say would be bad for consumers. Shortly after that press conference, the Department of Justice announced it's investigating the proposed merger" [....]
"If these two entities were to merge," Schumer said, "control of concert venues and representation of artists in those venues would be controlled by one organization, having profound and far-reaching implication for consumers, promoters and artists alike."
NPR coverage in full
On a brighter note..........some vacation pics....
(Miami has become a serious contender for re-location after graduation on the other hand I always become overly-enamored with big cities)

From the pages of Face Book...........I've officially become part of the chain post "25 Things"
1 .Im an introverted-extrovert
2. I feel that spelling and grammar Nazis should find something less fucking typical to be judgmental about (that being said I will spell-check this before posting).
3. I can be moody
4. Sometimes my sarcasm is misinterpreted..and then I get all tongue tied and apologetic trying to explain myself.
5. I am defiantly neurotic I have found a small community of people who may or may not enjoy this about me.
6. One of my most embarresing moments was spent it and the person with me lived to tell the tale quite a few times (you know who you are).
7. I try to avoid essentializing things.
8. I tend to essentialize things.
9. I want a half sleeve of the Kremlin/Nesting Dolls on my left arm but am afraid I must do it before this august when I turn 30, otherwise Ill officially be too old. I also realize this is an arbitrary and fucking stupid conundrum.
10. Christian Lander in right..white people do like to assert their supposed intellect and superiority by being self deprecating. I am a good example of this.
11. I wonder why I cant be more fashionable.
12. I want to detox..mostly b/c a pretty woman from South Africa told me I should do so.
13. I dont like feeling managed
14. I attempt to over-compensate for being hyper sensitive by presenting myself entirely tougher then I actually am.
15. If I find you to be a genius and/or really attractive I may loose my ability to speak in front of you- Im socially suave like that.
16. Life isnt linear.this realization has been a long time in the making for me.
17. I may be getting the hang of meditation
18. Photography is currently one of my favorite things to do.
19. I prefer shooting black and white to color
20. I have a temper and I have special people in my life that love me despite this.
21. Im dyslexic
22. Im left handed..living in a right handers world
23. I like answering peoples questions about sex and sexuality.
24. Im a recovering catholic (see #22).
25. Until pretty recently I believe centaurs most defiantly existed
Hope you are well! ARe we getting a new set from you any time soon????
Thanks so much for commenting on my new set! I really appreciate it!
Soapy Kisses