I've been off in my own world as of late........I met a girl and well we all know how that story goes
So.....I feel that there has been a lot of growth for me as of late. I had a little "breakdown" (I'm using this term loosely) at work about two weeks ago. It was nearing time for my aesthetics classes to start and I've been working at the salon full time...and I couldn't ignore the fact that something inside of me was saying (rather loudly may I add) that this isn't going to work for me. This is coupled with the fact that recently I've been spending a significant amount of time socially with counselors, which is what I've wanted to do for most of my adult life.
I do indeed believe that the universe is telling me something here......perhaps this time I should pay attention.
And I'll skip the tedious details of the decision making process......but with the help of a pretty amazing person I decided to pursue the rest of my undergrad in the hopes of getting a masters in order to be a licensed therapist.
I think what has been keeping me treading water for so long is fear.....and self-doubt.
I've been making a "plan" with a little help from my friends (and much ego boosting) and started the process registered/enrolling/paying for summer classes.
This feels good, this is what I'm supposed to be doing. But I'm still rather intimidated by it all.
So I missed the last SG night in Columbus. Boooooooo fucking work!
I'm looking forward to the next one.....
I'm putting together another set idea.....doing the first set was one of the most amazing feelings, nerve racking at first and then just amazing.

So.....I feel that there has been a lot of growth for me as of late. I had a little "breakdown" (I'm using this term loosely) at work about two weeks ago. It was nearing time for my aesthetics classes to start and I've been working at the salon full time...and I couldn't ignore the fact that something inside of me was saying (rather loudly may I add) that this isn't going to work for me. This is coupled with the fact that recently I've been spending a significant amount of time socially with counselors, which is what I've wanted to do for most of my adult life.
I do indeed believe that the universe is telling me something here......perhaps this time I should pay attention.
And I'll skip the tedious details of the decision making process......but with the help of a pretty amazing person I decided to pursue the rest of my undergrad in the hopes of getting a masters in order to be a licensed therapist.
I think what has been keeping me treading water for so long is fear.....and self-doubt.
I've been making a "plan" with a little help from my friends (and much ego boosting) and started the process registered/enrolling/paying for summer classes.
This feels good, this is what I'm supposed to be doing. But I'm still rather intimidated by it all.
So I missed the last SG night in Columbus. Boooooooo fucking work!
I'm looking forward to the next one.....
I'm putting together another set idea.....doing the first set was one of the most amazing feelings, nerve racking at first and then just amazing.
gimme a call when yr coming up next
the next SG Havana night in Cols is June 5th.
oooh. and thanks for the comment on my new set!