Been putting this off for a while now. Ive logged on many times but just havent posted. Ill just leave the short hand version.
Allergies suck
No sleep sucks
Jury duty sucked
No more weight lost yet
I hope I get a job I interviewed for
I want to kill my mom
I need my own place again
Weather is going to get to hot very soon
I hate when people want me to do something for them then fuck off when I show up to help them
Been a bit down
^ Missed SGSAC BBQ because of that
The tax money was nice
I got my phone working again
So that about covers it all.
Allergies suck
No sleep sucks
Jury duty sucked
No more weight lost yet
I hope I get a job I interviewed for
I want to kill my mom
I need my own place again
Weather is going to get to hot very soon
I hate when people want me to do something for them then fuck off when I show up to help them
Been a bit down
^ Missed SGSAC BBQ because of that
The tax money was nice
I got my phone working again
So that about covers it all.

Heck yes! Wait, unless you think it's a banana. Because I am NOT a banana.