i met the best shop clerk in the world today, i think she was, like, the patron saint of fat-asses. i now own four new pairs of trousers and feel all re-inspired to do comic strips about, you know, being the owner of said fat-ass. and chubby-belly and football-calves and double-chins and all that. whenever i google for inspirational women on that subject, i just end up looking at pictures of Beth Ditto, and yeah sure she's cool, but surely she can't be the only woman in the public picture who takes an unapologetic stance to her figure? of course, being APOLOGETIC is a huge part of being a fat woman too, like obesity is simply the worst social faux pas... and sizes like "S/M/L" are steadily shrinking, while at the same time the average size of the population is growing; creating just more and more frustrated and unhappy women discovering, every day, that "even the XL ain't enough for my fucking child-bearing hips, SNARL." ...
i do realise men struggle with the same thing, but when it comes to clothes, men have it easier by default, don't they? for formal occasions, SUIT. fancy dress, SUIT, or smoking. even for everyday stuff, most of them can get away with keeping the suit trousers+shirt or, y'know, khakis and t-shirt. i am so envious, and i don't understand why, for me, acquiring a new pair of trousers has to be a BATTLE against designers' shifting views on what my legs should be shaped like, how long they ought to be, and what kind of hideous fabric and colour we are promoting this month.
but i have been reading too much deadpan style webcomics. i mean my strips would probably end up something like... fat chick: "hi i'm fat" shop clerk: "that's okay we have fatty pants" fat chick: "i love you, fatty pants" fatty pants: "fuck you, fatty"
i do realise men struggle with the same thing, but when it comes to clothes, men have it easier by default, don't they? for formal occasions, SUIT. fancy dress, SUIT, or smoking. even for everyday stuff, most of them can get away with keeping the suit trousers+shirt or, y'know, khakis and t-shirt. i am so envious, and i don't understand why, for me, acquiring a new pair of trousers has to be a BATTLE against designers' shifting views on what my legs should be shaped like, how long they ought to be, and what kind of hideous fabric and colour we are promoting this month.
but i have been reading too much deadpan style webcomics. i mean my strips would probably end up something like... fat chick: "hi i'm fat" shop clerk: "that's okay we have fatty pants" fat chick: "i love you, fatty pants" fatty pants: "fuck you, fatty"
but - just so you know, you are totally beautiful