So I caught the flu... I think its karma kicking me in the nuts cause I talk so much shit about flu shots. Funny thing was I just thought I had a massive hangover. but after being laid out for a few days I figured it was something a little worse. But on the upside I made my first friend on SG! pretty fired up about that
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Monday Jan 12, 2004
Jet Blue has $3 beers!!! A cross country flight has never been so mu… -
Sunday Jan 11, 2004
I cant believe I am back in San Francisco for a week... You never qui… -
Wednesday Jan 07, 2004
off to the gym! gotta loose the santa gut -
Tuesday Jan 06, 2004
Its too cold out here for these California bones -
Sunday Jan 04, 2004
Ive got that feeling right now where I want something so bad but I pr… -
Saturday Jan 03, 2004
You know youve had an amazing new year when it takes you two days to … -
Tuesday Dec 30, 2003
Happy New Year everyone!!! Cheers to New Years make outs!! hopefully … -
Monday Dec 29, 2003
So I share a room with a female roommate and last night we stayed up … -
Wednesday Dec 24, 2003
So the flu kicked my ass for a while but it looks like I am on the me… -
Tuesday Dec 23, 2003
So I caught the flu... I think its karma kicking me in the nuts cause…
sucks that you are sick. funny, i thought i might be...but it turned out i was just hung over. haha.