Apologies all around for the lengthy hiatus on my blog! (As if anyone is waiting anxiously to read this haha)
A lot of interesting things have happened in the last month, and I'm getting pretty excited about everything!
Firstly, after training hard for a month, I entered a Jiu Jitsu/Submission Grappling competition and won first place. It was a smaller tournament, but I did have solid competition which made it fun and challenging. The win was great for my confidence, as I had not been competing in tournaments since before my surgery in 2006, which pretty much ended my wrestling career.
Overall, it was a pretty good day where I realized that my scale was 5 pounds heavy. My weight class was 170, and I cut to 163 haha. The cut drained me a ton, but I still managed to grapple well and defeat my opponents.
Myself on top looking visably drained haha.
Myself and a couple of my team mates who also placed first.
Next on the list, I've been sold on the idea of studying in Australia. I REALLLLY want to do my Doctor of Physiotherapy at Bond University but it is both expensive and prestigious. I think I have the marks and experience for it, but tuition will be a tough pill to swallow. I sometimes look at things like this and see them as impossible... Like, why should I be able to do something that amazing? I'm not rich or privileged enough to do something like that.
But I'm in a good place right now. I've been successful at everything that I have every tried in my life to this point, so if I get accepted, then I don't care how many lines of credit and student loans I take out, I'm doing this. I need to experience other cultures before starting my career, and this would be my only opportunity to experience Australia!
On a more somber note, my Grandmother passed away recently. She was afflicted with Alzheimer's for quite some time, so I had already made my peace, but I noticed that it seems to take a funeral for my family to ever get together anymore. It's terribly unfortunate, but the truth. I love my family and want to know my extended family better, but it just seems to never happen unless under tragic occasions.
It was really great to see my Cousin again. She only lives in PEI, which isn't too far a journey from Nova Scotia, but we are both busy people and it makes visiting each other difficult. Hopefully these circumstances change soon.
School has been going very well so far this semester. I'm able to apply myself more since I don't have an overload and a ton of other responsibilities, and it has allowed me time to train and be more effective at my role on campus. Overall, enjoying school much more in this new year :-)
Finally, I'm most likely going to be working in New York this summer! The job is risky, as it is commission seling security systems but I'm fine with taking a risk and stepping outside of my comfort zone... That's how we grow after all, right? The position is with a company called Siren. If any of you have any advice to me about the company, or about sales positions in NY, then please let me know!
I'm really excited about checking out a big city. Never have before, and New York has certainly been on my to do list, that's for sure! I'll have to find out about the local scene before hand so I don't waste a month trying to find a group of people that I connect with!
I'll leave you with some media! Check out this live performance!
Thanks for reading!
Wishing you the best in life and all of your endeavors,
PS. My hair is getting long!
A lot of interesting things have happened in the last month, and I'm getting pretty excited about everything!
Firstly, after training hard for a month, I entered a Jiu Jitsu/Submission Grappling competition and won first place. It was a smaller tournament, but I did have solid competition which made it fun and challenging. The win was great for my confidence, as I had not been competing in tournaments since before my surgery in 2006, which pretty much ended my wrestling career.
Overall, it was a pretty good day where I realized that my scale was 5 pounds heavy. My weight class was 170, and I cut to 163 haha. The cut drained me a ton, but I still managed to grapple well and defeat my opponents.
Myself on top looking visably drained haha.
Myself and a couple of my team mates who also placed first.
Next on the list, I've been sold on the idea of studying in Australia. I REALLLLY want to do my Doctor of Physiotherapy at Bond University but it is both expensive and prestigious. I think I have the marks and experience for it, but tuition will be a tough pill to swallow. I sometimes look at things like this and see them as impossible... Like, why should I be able to do something that amazing? I'm not rich or privileged enough to do something like that.
But I'm in a good place right now. I've been successful at everything that I have every tried in my life to this point, so if I get accepted, then I don't care how many lines of credit and student loans I take out, I'm doing this. I need to experience other cultures before starting my career, and this would be my only opportunity to experience Australia!
On a more somber note, my Grandmother passed away recently. She was afflicted with Alzheimer's for quite some time, so I had already made my peace, but I noticed that it seems to take a funeral for my family to ever get together anymore. It's terribly unfortunate, but the truth. I love my family and want to know my extended family better, but it just seems to never happen unless under tragic occasions.
It was really great to see my Cousin again. She only lives in PEI, which isn't too far a journey from Nova Scotia, but we are both busy people and it makes visiting each other difficult. Hopefully these circumstances change soon.
School has been going very well so far this semester. I'm able to apply myself more since I don't have an overload and a ton of other responsibilities, and it has allowed me time to train and be more effective at my role on campus. Overall, enjoying school much more in this new year :-)
Finally, I'm most likely going to be working in New York this summer! The job is risky, as it is commission seling security systems but I'm fine with taking a risk and stepping outside of my comfort zone... That's how we grow after all, right? The position is with a company called Siren. If any of you have any advice to me about the company, or about sales positions in NY, then please let me know!
I'm really excited about checking out a big city. Never have before, and New York has certainly been on my to do list, that's for sure! I'll have to find out about the local scene before hand so I don't waste a month trying to find a group of people that I connect with!
I'll leave you with some media! Check out this live performance!
Thanks for reading!
Wishing you the best in life and all of your endeavors,
PS. My hair is getting long!
its all good, bro.