Time a musical cover version comparison. The track is "Temptation" by Heaven 17 and the cover version is by Cradle of Filth. Click on the YouTube videos to compare the two. Which do you prefer?
"Temptation" by Heaven17
The expressionistic set design in Heaven17's video is awesome.
"Temptation" covered by Cradle of Filth
I like how Cradle of Filth have really made this song their own. Cover versions often seem like mere carbon copies but Cradle of Filth have brought both their own style and also a whole new interpretation. The music video is playing out the legend of Adam and Eve's temptation and subsequent fall from grace in the Garden of Eden.
"Temptation" by Heaven17
The expressionistic set design in Heaven17's video is awesome.
"Temptation" covered by Cradle of Filth
I like how Cradle of Filth have really made this song their own. Cover versions often seem like mere carbon copies but Cradle of Filth have brought both their own style and also a whole new interpretation. The music video is playing out the legend of Adam and Eve's temptation and subsequent fall from grace in the Garden of Eden.