Ok folks, so who wants to hear about EVIL ROCK BANDS hiding satanic, messages in their songs via the nefarious technique know asdrum rollBACKWARD MASKING????
Muah ha ha!!!
For those who have no idea what I am talking about here's a Wikipedia article all about it
Now here are some links to some deeply amusing YouTube videos featuring footage of concerned religious people discussing backward masking
Back Masking Part 1
Back Masking Part 2
Back Masking Part 3
Back Masking Part 4 (I love the way that one of the comments reads "tihsllub si oediv sihT")
Back Masking Part 5
A few years ago, as part of his bid to help me to see the light, a Muslim friend of mine lent me a tape which in which someone went on and on about a global Satanic conspiracy in which politicians, pop stars and even religious leaders were all actually members of a Masonic cult in league with Satan (at one point the speaker even (pointed the finger at "Matt Groening, self confessed anarchist"). The speaker claimed that the words "Yeah Satan" had been concealed in The Eagles "Hotel California" via back tracking!!
Hee hee!!!
Now for some commentary on modern life.
Sometimes I think it would be great to quit my job and be a waster for the rest of my life just doing whatever I want whenever I want to. I've known a few people who, after they finished their degrees, never made that transition to sticking it in a full-time job. I've known people who've been on the dole for years.
When my alarm clock goes off in the morning I sometimes think of those people and how, although they've got no money and although they are basically a bunch of wasters scrounging off of the state, they seem content enough to just drift through life without responsibilities.
For several years, I shared a house with someone who didn't work. He was a mate of mine from university but once he finished his degree he spent years and years on the dole. We're no longer in touch so I don't know if he is still unemployed. Following his graduation I knew him for six years and during that time he worked for about a total of 6 months!!! He used to act as if he thought he was better than me for not working. He used to call me a "drone".
It would be really easy to do that. It would be really easy for me to just say "F*** it all!" and quit my job and be a dole scrounger for years and years. I've got over a thousand books and I never have the time or energy to read them. My brain has been turning to mush since I finished my degree. How tempting it is to follow the path of the dole scrounger.
Once that alarm clock goes off and I've got out of bed, got dressed etc, I put those thoughts aside, because when I look deeper inside I can see the real reason why fantasies like that one appeal to me. I can see that there's a part of me that doesn't want to grow up. There's a part of me that wants to be a child forever, just like Peter Pan. The world is a cold and hard place and I am something of an escapist and a dreamer. I find the real world to be rather a threatening place. The idea of being completely responsible for one's own life, of having to provide for oneself can be quite an intimidating thought and there's a part of me that wants to run away and hide in a cave when confronted with this. It's too easy to want to turn back the clock, to want to be a child again.
However, life is made up of different phases and each phase of our lives is worth living and worth making the most of. It's so very easy to try to remain stuck in one particular phase and to fail to appreciate the value of the experiences that the next phase will bring. Childhood is an important and worthwhile stage in life but so is adulthood. Standing on one's own two feet and taking responsibility for one's own life is a valuable experience even if it brings its own challenges with it.
Muah ha ha!!!
For those who have no idea what I am talking about here's a Wikipedia article all about it
Now here are some links to some deeply amusing YouTube videos featuring footage of concerned religious people discussing backward masking
Back Masking Part 1
Back Masking Part 2
Back Masking Part 3
Back Masking Part 4 (I love the way that one of the comments reads "tihsllub si oediv sihT")
Back Masking Part 5
A few years ago, as part of his bid to help me to see the light, a Muslim friend of mine lent me a tape which in which someone went on and on about a global Satanic conspiracy in which politicians, pop stars and even religious leaders were all actually members of a Masonic cult in league with Satan (at one point the speaker even (pointed the finger at "Matt Groening, self confessed anarchist"). The speaker claimed that the words "Yeah Satan" had been concealed in The Eagles "Hotel California" via back tracking!!
Hee hee!!!

Now for some commentary on modern life.
Sometimes I think it would be great to quit my job and be a waster for the rest of my life just doing whatever I want whenever I want to. I've known a few people who, after they finished their degrees, never made that transition to sticking it in a full-time job. I've known people who've been on the dole for years.
When my alarm clock goes off in the morning I sometimes think of those people and how, although they've got no money and although they are basically a bunch of wasters scrounging off of the state, they seem content enough to just drift through life without responsibilities.
For several years, I shared a house with someone who didn't work. He was a mate of mine from university but once he finished his degree he spent years and years on the dole. We're no longer in touch so I don't know if he is still unemployed. Following his graduation I knew him for six years and during that time he worked for about a total of 6 months!!! He used to act as if he thought he was better than me for not working. He used to call me a "drone".
It would be really easy to do that. It would be really easy for me to just say "F*** it all!" and quit my job and be a dole scrounger for years and years. I've got over a thousand books and I never have the time or energy to read them. My brain has been turning to mush since I finished my degree. How tempting it is to follow the path of the dole scrounger.
Once that alarm clock goes off and I've got out of bed, got dressed etc, I put those thoughts aside, because when I look deeper inside I can see the real reason why fantasies like that one appeal to me. I can see that there's a part of me that doesn't want to grow up. There's a part of me that wants to be a child forever, just like Peter Pan. The world is a cold and hard place and I am something of an escapist and a dreamer. I find the real world to be rather a threatening place. The idea of being completely responsible for one's own life, of having to provide for oneself can be quite an intimidating thought and there's a part of me that wants to run away and hide in a cave when confronted with this. It's too easy to want to turn back the clock, to want to be a child again.
However, life is made up of different phases and each phase of our lives is worth living and worth making the most of. It's so very easy to try to remain stuck in one particular phase and to fail to appreciate the value of the experiences that the next phase will bring. Childhood is an important and worthwhile stage in life but so is adulthood. Standing on one's own two feet and taking responsibility for one's own life is a valuable experience even if it brings its own challenges with it.
We watched Snatch. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it!
That stuff about the drums is complete bullshit. I mean, the things some people will believe. Don't they know that he real problem is the Lizard Master Race hiding inside the bodies of our Royal Family