Hey all. Got back from work a while ago... I'm about to go pick up my mum from the surgery center. She's having both feet operated on for bone spurs. How much does that suck... So ya. I'm off. Send my mummy some positive thoughts... or prayers... if that's yer thang. Later.
Good luck to your mom, Rob. In case you care, NaNa is having her hip replaced in a couple of weeks, so I'll be taking care of her on the weekends down in Bluffton. Hopefully her heart will be healthy enough to get through the surgery well.
hope your mom does well! i had something really similar to that done last January. it sux having surgery on your feet cuz you can't get around or do anythingyourself!
Yeah... about the "big buckos"... not really. i made a whole $20 last night and i was there from 8-2.
that really blows.. but i guess it's a thursday so what are ya gonna do, right? you and your lady should come visit me sometime! i'm there fuckin every night it seems like. so, give us a call! speaking of... where were ya guys on Monday? we called ya a few times...