Allo Allo Allo!
So update? Yes with all that has gone on in my life here recently I am blessed beyond belief for everyone who responded to my last blog and gave me strength. You are all wonderful!
So I will be brief this time in discussing my friend whom I mentioned in my last blog. Some other things have come up here recently that made me even more aware how good of a decision I had made in removing her from my life. As some of you know she is pregnant. Irresponsibley it is felt by many who have seen her true colors but none the less it is what it is. So during and before she became pregnant we had many disscusssions on baby names and such and what she hoped for. She in an almost adolecent way wished to have a girl. Gender stereotypes galore. Dont get me started. But I revieled that if my health ever got better i hoped for another boy or to adopt either gender some day. I am very sick so this is just a hope. BUt I told her what names we had already picked before I lost my baby and had my daughter if either was to be a boy. Names that have significant meaning to us. We never choose names because of popularity or gender or anything other than family significance and the meanings. So of course we treasured the name and were hopeful. She is anything but like this. Had no idea every name had a meaning. Nor did she care. Well this week she found out she was having a boy. And guess what name she picked? First and middle? You got it. Nail on the coffin my friend. Some might say i have no right to be upset that it is nothing more than a name. I agree with you. That is really not why i am upset. It is the psychology behind all of her actions. I could give you a million diagnoses but to put it simply and keep myself from waisting time on the subject she is just. Suffering from what I like to call CBD. Crazy Bitch Dissorder.
On a happier note. I am thriving. I am making good friendships better and more meaningful through this hardship. It's amazing what a Job like experience can lead to lol. If you dont mind the mythological reference. I feel i am gaining instead of loosing and I am opened to alot of new experiences and I am aware of my shortcomings. As a child of psychology most of us enjoy our shortcomings. They arre problems to solve. I am a Holmes of my own mind. It is a delight and it is making me work harder and refining who I am and what I intend to become. Very rewarding.
And so now for the pictures! Yay! Haha no more rambles!
Some say I look like a missing ethnic Olsen twin. Its the lips apparently. Facepalm. hilarious or humiliating? Not sure. Lol

This week was my Mans Birthday. How gorgeous is he?

Always remember...

And because I love ya ladies
So update? Yes with all that has gone on in my life here recently I am blessed beyond belief for everyone who responded to my last blog and gave me strength. You are all wonderful!

So I will be brief this time in discussing my friend whom I mentioned in my last blog. Some other things have come up here recently that made me even more aware how good of a decision I had made in removing her from my life. As some of you know she is pregnant. Irresponsibley it is felt by many who have seen her true colors but none the less it is what it is. So during and before she became pregnant we had many disscusssions on baby names and such and what she hoped for. She in an almost adolecent way wished to have a girl. Gender stereotypes galore. Dont get me started. But I revieled that if my health ever got better i hoped for another boy or to adopt either gender some day. I am very sick so this is just a hope. BUt I told her what names we had already picked before I lost my baby and had my daughter if either was to be a boy. Names that have significant meaning to us. We never choose names because of popularity or gender or anything other than family significance and the meanings. So of course we treasured the name and were hopeful. She is anything but like this. Had no idea every name had a meaning. Nor did she care. Well this week she found out she was having a boy. And guess what name she picked? First and middle? You got it. Nail on the coffin my friend. Some might say i have no right to be upset that it is nothing more than a name. I agree with you. That is really not why i am upset. It is the psychology behind all of her actions. I could give you a million diagnoses but to put it simply and keep myself from waisting time on the subject she is just. Suffering from what I like to call CBD. Crazy Bitch Dissorder.
On a happier note. I am thriving. I am making good friendships better and more meaningful through this hardship. It's amazing what a Job like experience can lead to lol. If you dont mind the mythological reference. I feel i am gaining instead of loosing and I am opened to alot of new experiences and I am aware of my shortcomings. As a child of psychology most of us enjoy our shortcomings. They arre problems to solve. I am a Holmes of my own mind. It is a delight and it is making me work harder and refining who I am and what I intend to become. Very rewarding.
And so now for the pictures! Yay! Haha no more rambles!
Some say I look like a missing ethnic Olsen twin. Its the lips apparently. Facepalm. hilarious or humiliating? Not sure. Lol

This week was my Mans Birthday. How gorgeous is he?

Always remember...

And because I love ya ladies

All my love,
Your wee Walace
LOL I'm stealing that!