Ello ello!
How is everyone?
Hope all is well!
Here lately I have been gathering information on getting disability. I know what you're thinking, "oh gee, in the prime of life, how very sad, hope this aint gonna be another debbie downer blog..." And my answer to that fellows is a., how very kind thanks much, and b. Nope it certainly is not! How dare you! Who is your mother?!
But we can disscuss that later...
So, yes, as I was saying because I am unable to walk on occasion and will have to get a wheelchair it just seemed like the right thing to do. As much as my illness has been a royal pain in my ego, it is what it is. I can either live with it and find my bliss through these unusual circumstances or sit all daft and lazy and complain like an old woman full of lifes dissapointment. Sorry I choose to live and be good to those around me. A long life is not garenteed and as far as I know I only get one.
Here lately I've really missed Disneyland. My passes are not open until August twenty fricking something. I don't care what people say I will always love it there. And it has nothing to do with fairytales or being a child at heart, granted thats a plus, but not why I love it. I love it for its nostalgia and the beautiful scenery it provides. Here's an example:
I could post a million of these but I wont make you have a pretty overload. Lol
So until my passes are up i am kicking ass in this game:
Now this is 100% childish and I admit it with enthusiasm! I cant help it I love this game! My paintbrush a fantastical weapon? HELLZ YEZ!
Here lately to help me with coming to terms with my health I have been reading and watching these:
It has helped me tremedously and I entirely recommend it. The history geek and hippie in me does a mental backflip and jazzhands when I watch it.
On another note I have been working on my body so I can do a set. Eventually. Hehe Oi! Look at my progress! Pretty good for a Mama of two! I think I'm even thinner since I took this pic.
Ive also been trying to eat as vegetarian as possible. If you have any good recepies please let me know!
Now some random pic dumps:
Our family cat BabyCakes likes to sleep in my hair. She has a dirty hair fetish and rubs her face in it. Most humans are afraid of being sucked in. I'm still not alltogether delighted but whatevs. I guess I feel loved.
Seriously, you have no idea. I'm like a female Holmes/Brand/Indiana monster.
If I was a Cat.
Just a thought.
And last but not least a current Istagram event: (keeping in mind I wrote this at two am I believe)
My roof has been leaking yet again...interestingly and quite shockingly enough spelling out the word "JOB" what is this spot getting at? What message is it trying to convey with its obvious ominous sogginess? Should we take note of all the wet spots in our lives? Or is it some cruel trick? Is water suddenly against us? My god, the world is 75% water! We don't stand a chance against this moist protagonist! And this watery reference to Job? Suffering? A test? Get a job? Haha this will indeed be a job clearing this up I can tell you! (idiotic sleep deprived rant continues...)
Newho thats me as of late, and the beat goes on...
Your wee Walace

How is everyone?
Hope all is well!
Here lately I have been gathering information on getting disability. I know what you're thinking, "oh gee, in the prime of life, how very sad, hope this aint gonna be another debbie downer blog..." And my answer to that fellows is a., how very kind thanks much, and b. Nope it certainly is not! How dare you! Who is your mother?!
But we can disscuss that later...
So, yes, as I was saying because I am unable to walk on occasion and will have to get a wheelchair it just seemed like the right thing to do. As much as my illness has been a royal pain in my ego, it is what it is. I can either live with it and find my bliss through these unusual circumstances or sit all daft and lazy and complain like an old woman full of lifes dissapointment. Sorry I choose to live and be good to those around me. A long life is not garenteed and as far as I know I only get one.

Here lately I've really missed Disneyland. My passes are not open until August twenty fricking something. I don't care what people say I will always love it there. And it has nothing to do with fairytales or being a child at heart, granted thats a plus, but not why I love it. I love it for its nostalgia and the beautiful scenery it provides. Here's an example:

I could post a million of these but I wont make you have a pretty overload. Lol
So until my passes are up i am kicking ass in this game:

Now this is 100% childish and I admit it with enthusiasm! I cant help it I love this game! My paintbrush a fantastical weapon? HELLZ YEZ!
Here lately to help me with coming to terms with my health I have been reading and watching these:

It has helped me tremedously and I entirely recommend it. The history geek and hippie in me does a mental backflip and jazzhands when I watch it.

On another note I have been working on my body so I can do a set. Eventually. Hehe Oi! Look at my progress! Pretty good for a Mama of two! I think I'm even thinner since I took this pic.

Ive also been trying to eat as vegetarian as possible. If you have any good recepies please let me know!
Now some random pic dumps:

Our family cat BabyCakes likes to sleep in my hair. She has a dirty hair fetish and rubs her face in it. Most humans are afraid of being sucked in. I'm still not alltogether delighted but whatevs. I guess I feel loved.

Seriously, you have no idea. I'm like a female Holmes/Brand/Indiana monster.

If I was a Cat.

Just a thought.
And last but not least a current Istagram event: (keeping in mind I wrote this at two am I believe)

My roof has been leaking yet again...interestingly and quite shockingly enough spelling out the word "JOB" what is this spot getting at? What message is it trying to convey with its obvious ominous sogginess? Should we take note of all the wet spots in our lives? Or is it some cruel trick? Is water suddenly against us? My god, the world is 75% water! We don't stand a chance against this moist protagonist! And this watery reference to Job? Suffering? A test? Get a job? Haha this will indeed be a job clearing this up I can tell you! (idiotic sleep deprived rant continues...)
Newho thats me as of late, and the beat goes on...

Your wee Walace
dude everything awesome possum hoping to hit cedar point in a few days its time for a adrainalin rush how about you gorgeous
god i missed you so much!!how life is treating you baby?