So hmmmmm what's new...
I had an unbirthday tea party with my bestfriend. We practiced her stateboard for cosmo.(which I was her model for) And good news she passed and has her liscence! I'm so proud!

We each used our own teacups we had made at our local pottery studio I used to work at. This one above is mine
of course haha. We also used the tai elephant tea pot I bought her for her wedding. So many beautiful and precious things gathered. Tea parties are the best!

Ashley and I


Me pretending to be queenly hehe (obvious reasons why I'm not the queen of england #2481754839
So when we went to LA for stateboard at one point we passed by the SG office and I yelled I love you SG! Lol I don't think they heard me.
Then Yesterday I had a mini family reunion. (which I'll try to get pics of) My uncle who's one of the top chefs in the world came in from the Ritz in Atlanta Georgia. I see his wife and my Cousin Julia who is almost three and adorable! All the kids had a blast together. And we are planning on having a BBQ in Newport Tues and then go to Disneyland Wed. Which I most deffinately post pictures of. Haha. So newho while I'm on my mini adventure feel always. To send me some love!
I forgot to do so earlier so I will now, sorry to those who miss this bit of post...
I leave you with a song and a quote, my favourites to be exact. I hope they brighten your days till my next post! Enjoy!

I appriciate you all!
Lots of love,
Your wee Walace
I had an unbirthday tea party with my bestfriend. We practiced her stateboard for cosmo.(which I was her model for) And good news she passed and has her liscence! I'm so proud!

We each used our own teacups we had made at our local pottery studio I used to work at. This one above is mine

Ashley and I


Me pretending to be queenly hehe (obvious reasons why I'm not the queen of england #2481754839

So when we went to LA for stateboard at one point we passed by the SG office and I yelled I love you SG! Lol I don't think they heard me.

Then Yesterday I had a mini family reunion. (which I'll try to get pics of) My uncle who's one of the top chefs in the world came in from the Ritz in Atlanta Georgia. I see his wife and my Cousin Julia who is almost three and adorable! All the kids had a blast together. And we are planning on having a BBQ in Newport Tues and then go to Disneyland Wed. Which I most deffinately post pictures of. Haha. So newho while I'm on my mini adventure feel always. To send me some love!

I forgot to do so earlier so I will now, sorry to those who miss this bit of post...
I leave you with a song and a quote, my favourites to be exact. I hope they brighten your days till my next post! Enjoy!

I appriciate you all!
Lots of love,
Your wee Walace
myeah.. myeah.. poor littel bugger.

Aww well I only speak the truth