people are starting to forget about dear little walace...
such is life i suppose
guess i'll just have to make a spectacular comeback...

well not so much news as what's going on around here as of late.
i shot some kids.
don't worry just with my camera. it was a beautiful day. tad windy. there's a park in my area that's a preserved wooded area. and it's like walking through a jungle. every spot has three dozen angles that would make your heart skip a beat. or make new beats you've never heard before.
i've been house sitting in the mountains. way up here. no phone signal. no people. 'cept us of course. and lots of animals. including the children. and my man as a matter of fact...'s a view
decided to bake with this free time. here's a pic because i'm evil.
and i also decided to take photos of the new cat, with no name.
here's me outside hiding behind my cherokee hair and my jew nose
i sit and think sometimes.
and i realize this is a bloody waste of time and i have chair marks on my ass.
your little walace.
by the by i have a new ETSY if your interested, and a BLOG as well. trying to start a side buisness for art i love making so stop by if ya got a chance. much luv!