sorry babes!
it's been such a long time since i was on!
bad wifi in my aprtment :/ not cool...
but newho i'm in my new aprtment! things are going great! i love it!!! i can finally walk around naked again and do as i please! lol
more good news my c section is schedualed for the 20th! so baby ZOE will be here in 13 days!!! yay!!!!! wish me luck! i've already started packing our bags for the hospital. one for me and one for zoe. i bought her everything purple baby thing i could find lol while i'm not crazy about purple i'm deffinately not a pink person lol so i got her a purple canvas diaper bag and two super amazingly soft blankets to keep her cozy in the hospital. plus i just had to buy those adorable little lace headbands with the bows on them haha. we're gonna be there a week might as well look cute for visitors! hehe cause mama's gonna look like crap lol imagine my nappy head not taken care of for a week! just one night is scary! haha. newho that's my news lovlies! ttys!
x's & o's,
your little walace
it's been such a long time since i was on!
bad wifi in my aprtment :/ not cool...
but newho i'm in my new aprtment! things are going great! i love it!!! i can finally walk around naked again and do as i please! lol
more good news my c section is schedualed for the 20th! so baby ZOE will be here in 13 days!!! yay!!!!! wish me luck! i've already started packing our bags for the hospital. one for me and one for zoe. i bought her everything purple baby thing i could find lol while i'm not crazy about purple i'm deffinately not a pink person lol so i got her a purple canvas diaper bag and two super amazingly soft blankets to keep her cozy in the hospital. plus i just had to buy those adorable little lace headbands with the bows on them haha. we're gonna be there a week might as well look cute for visitors! hehe cause mama's gonna look like crap lol imagine my nappy head not taken care of for a week! just one night is scary! haha. newho that's my news lovlies! ttys!
x's & o's,
your little walace
good to hear you're doing well, and good luck on your c-section and everything! and purple totally owns pink.
aaaw thats great nothing like being able to walk around naked