so i'm feeling very unfulfilled at the momment so i'm trying to start a new chapter in my life.
i was the girl growing up that everyone wrote in my yearbooks "looking forword to seeing you in the movies" "you'll be in hollywood someday" i won drama award after drama award. i was in play after play. it's really the only thing in my life that i new i was sure of. without a doubt i knew i was good at it. wich was a great feeling considering most of the time it was the only thing i felt i was good at. when i left high school everyone asked for my binders and folders and even my backpack with my signiture on it because all my friends said for sure it was going to be worth something someday. i mean how sweet is that? i doubt they all still have it but it was the thought that really touched me. i thought i'm gonna make it this could really happen to me. and what have i done? i gave it all up to be with bry cause he said wouldn't want to comute all the way to la. ugh
so here i am sitting in my apt everyday watching the success of my friends soar and feeling like crap cause i've done nothing for me in years. i've always been the type that really takes pride in my work. i love working and feeling the pride of accomplishing something. sitting on my ass for four years has been torture! esspecially being sick. thank god i'm getting that taken care of.
i have an appointment with my rhuemotologist feb 17th so hopefully she can perscribe me something
well newho the point of this lil rant is that i'm finally putting my foot down and trying to find a way to get my butt to la
i might make a move with a friend i'm not sure yet. otherwise i need to find a room mate
but bry is thinking about moving MAYBE so i don't have to split up the fam. so keep me in your thoughts and prayers cause i am looking for some wisdom and a lil guidence.
i love you all much thanks for lettin me bend your ear
you've all been super sweet and supportive and it means so much to me! it's given me the strength to re-realize my dreams
i did a mini set the other day out of boredom
i didn't put it in mr cause i photoshoped it a lil bit to make it look old, but if you all like it i'll put it up just for shits and giggles
through the old door
i was the girl growing up that everyone wrote in my yearbooks "looking forword to seeing you in the movies" "you'll be in hollywood someday" i won drama award after drama award. i was in play after play. it's really the only thing in my life that i new i was sure of. without a doubt i knew i was good at it. wich was a great feeling considering most of the time it was the only thing i felt i was good at. when i left high school everyone asked for my binders and folders and even my backpack with my signiture on it because all my friends said for sure it was going to be worth something someday. i mean how sweet is that? i doubt they all still have it but it was the thought that really touched me. i thought i'm gonna make it this could really happen to me. and what have i done? i gave it all up to be with bry cause he said wouldn't want to comute all the way to la. ugh
i love you all much thanks for lettin me bend your ear
i did a mini set the other day out of boredom
through the old door
P.S. You are friends with my VERY FIRST grrlfriend here on SG, Beebop!