i am wondering could a smurf tell if he had blue balls?
i wonder if i would be arrested for killing nanuck of the north???
fuck.....this shit was made in new york city.......GET A ROPE!!!!!!!!
Haha. I was just thinking about that commercial today when I was daydreaming about the yummy mexican food I'll get when I visit Texas.
today is not tommorow and tommorow is not yesterday...
Thanks for the welcome! Thats an interesting journal entry
mmmmm cottage cheese, mustard and lima beans, its enough to make you smile
the ultimaye hang over remedy is a bowl of barbaque sauce and cheerio's
damn smurfs are outta control again, i think i may have to call gargamell into to help get control of them again....
You think you got trouble? Dude, there's a maverick herd of Gummy Bears tearing up my back yard. I try to live and let live...but they've crossed the line this time.....
so i finally got unstuck on the gum on my ceiling but when i fell i went through a damn manhole in the floor and now i am stuck in hell
by the way breaking your fucking wrist sucks monkey ass
by the way breaking your fucking wrist sucks monkey ass
fuck, what the hell do you do when you fall going up the stairs and stick to your ceiling on old gum, it sucks...been up here for hours..................
what if doing the hokey pokey was what it was all about???
i just got attacked by a giant man eating radish
Bad way to go
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