Ok then, not blonde but Saggitarius: It's no secret that you're a force to be reckoned with when being brutally honest. But try not to go too far overboard. You can get your point across without saying anything deliberately hurtful. Besides, if you do, you'll only feel so guilty that you'll want to apologize.
force to be reckoned with=bitch
brutally honest=mean
deliberatley hurtful=genuine
I am for educational purposes only. For matters of the heart, I remain clueless. As for Nova, if found not with you or in a Jeep, she will be mine. Mine I say. For around me, dogs have been known to vanish without a trace. Well, except for the dog hair by my bed. I'm just sayin'. lol And I hope I didn't fall overboard .. although it may explain this lifejacket.
I'm sure anything can be worked out if willing. I am strong willed about certain issues. They are cute little issues though. Damn Min Pins.
I went to see the Phantom of the Opera. Don't laugh. I've resorted to yelling for mere eye rolling.
force to be reckoned with=bitch
brutally honest=mean
deliberatley hurtful=genuine
I am for educational purposes only. For matters of the heart,
I'm sure anything can be worked out if willing. I am strong willed