the other night i bought a new cd. does anyone remember the church? they had only one real u.s., hit under the milkyway. they put out quite a few albums since that one and with the exception of one all of them have been really good. i like this one alot. those guys are a prime example of an old band still making cool music. it's not for everyone but it's cool, mellow stuff. and in related news i watched a really great movie the other night called american splendor. it's about the comic book writer harvey picar and his rise to underground comics fame. even if you're not into comics it's a great story about no matter how weird you are there is someone out there for you. i loved it. if anyone has seen it or does see it let me know i'd love to here your thoughts on it.
I think he must have been on a break or something because he very rarely ignores food, not even to sleep.
I hope to be able to relocate at some point, but it will take a bit of time to get it all worked out. So yes, I am sort of trapped here for a while but not forever. Thanks for your kindness.