sometimes words are not enough. then sometimes something so simple can mean so much.
" i'll stand in front of you
and take the force of the blow
massive attack protection. the first time i heard that song was a hard time in my life. it's meaning washed over me with it's own force. the singer, traci thorn, has this amazing way of making you feel like she really means what she's saying. now any time i know of someone who hurts, that i feel is too kind for that pain, i think of this song. i've learned something about myself recently, that i have this desire to try to help fix people and that i can't. i'm not qualified to do that. and worse, sometimes i'm not even strong enough. often, when you do try, you find that you've done even more damage. then you spend a long time racked with guilt over abandoning someone that still needed you.
" i'll stand in front of you
and take the force of the blow
massive attack protection. the first time i heard that song was a hard time in my life. it's meaning washed over me with it's own force. the singer, traci thorn, has this amazing way of making you feel like she really means what she's saying. now any time i know of someone who hurts, that i feel is too kind for that pain, i think of this song. i've learned something about myself recently, that i have this desire to try to help fix people and that i can't. i'm not qualified to do that. and worse, sometimes i'm not even strong enough. often, when you do try, you find that you've done even more damage. then you spend a long time racked with guilt over abandoning someone that still needed you.
P.S. I was just kidding about our love being doomed. I can put up with the cold climate in exchange for some warm snuggles.

how are things?