Well, the insomnia's back. And "she's" been in my head alot lately. Fuck. In other news work has been sucking a big delicious turd lately. Fortunately I'll be moving to a new salon when I get back from Burning Man. A funny thing keeps happening, I keep getting crushes on girls that have boyfriends or are otherwise unavailable. Last Sunday a girl approached me and told me she wanted to "interview" me for her friend. The first question she asked me was whether or not I'd been involved in an polyamorous relationship. I told her that I had but it was so long ago we called swinging. "Do you swing darling?... Do I swing? I put the GERRR in swinger, baby, YEAH!" She took my digits so she could set up a meeting between myself and her friend. I've not heard from her, heh. Not that I care after the events of the last month I'm taking myself back off the market. The Ex comes home in a couple of months and I so desperately want to just dissappear. Just become a singularity in space/time. Not that I'll hear from her but it would be nice to just not be... You know it's bad when you wish you'd never met someone.
it's 3/8 3V 12' radius
this is assembly diagram
and this is the making instructions....
enter 12 in the radius calculator.. notice 3/8 version then look at first link to diagram...
he color coded ends with paint to match A.B.C
any more questions ask dogeye
word.. it is approaching