In case any of you haven't seen or heard of the documentary "Why We Fight", you should. It's fucking brilliant. It takes Dwight D. Eisenhower's final speech to the country 1961 and examines whether or not we paid attention. Clearly, we didn't. This is an amazingly bi-partisan film that discusses the millitary/industrial complex and it's influence in American foriegn policy. I was frightened and moved.
I'm tryin' to go and you know me... if it's gonna happen, I will make it happen no matter what.
Peas and carrots
That John Ames cd is one of my favorites, but now it just taunts me!
Going very slow with the past/present/future. He's only been sober a couple of months. I've got a 2-year lease where I'm at, so I'm just gonna ride that out and see where we are a little later down the road before I make any *ahem* impulsive decisions.