I'm really not being negative I swear, but Star Wars is gonna suck. No really, it's gonna suck. In related news I have to have ten models for the up coming Rusk class so if any Portland people come by here let me know.
This is just a little update. Things are pretty good. The new carreer move is moving along smashingly. I have to have ten hair models on 22nd through 25th so I'm going to put this in the PDXSG events calender. My girl is leaving for Africa for fourteen months in August. I'm not sure where this will lead us. I have every intension of resuming... Read More
What are the chances my phantom was born in Holland, was raised in Greece, lives in Chicago, and speaks a few languages, one being German ... curious isn't it?
What isn't curious ... short hair. damn shit hell ... ya'd think a smart guy would know better. and a son ... this was *not* on the list. CRAP! *adds to list*
Well ladies and germs grand things are afoot for your's truly these days. Never mind the girlfriend troubles nothing new to report there same as it ever was, so to speak. What is exciting is that I, your faithful adventurer, will be embarking on a new journey. Not one of self-discovery mind you, one of education of creativity and hopefully one greater financial security. You... Read More
have you applied for the sgpdx group yet? i'll totally vouch for you..
the hair modeling thing sounds fun but i really don't have too much hair at the moment,and what i do have i am pretty happy with if i could see some better examples of the cuts i am sure i could find some willing people for you though, that site had some great product info but not a whole lot of style examples.
oh and thanx for the input on the relationship topic, i love getting perspective.
yep, i'm back. in case anyone might have been wondering i was in cental oregon this weekend being all outdoorsy and what-not. it was fun. nova is completely wiped out. the pooch got quite a lot of exercise this weekend. went snowboarding at mt. bachlor on friday morning but the snow started to get slushy at about noon so we went into the lodge had... Read More
if you get pulled over for speeding, make some small talk about your dream car. Then when asked what car, you say ... Camaro ........................... 69.
this is an update. um business has been good, though still not what it should be, my girlfried is still in a bad mood, i have to replace the radiator in my jeep. it figures when you get a car paid for it starts breaking down. it's not serious, just a two hundred dollars and a couple of hours of my time. got some snow... Read More
I cannot log on to that site to see any posts. Lindsay was laughing about something that she said she posted in response to "yeah but what do you KNOW about her?"
I have a feeling I will not think it's funny but I can't log on. DAMMIT. Is she lying ... she is isn't she?
For your information, I never said anything resembling the phrase, "rather not put too much effort in it." I don't know what I'd rather not put too much effort into. Don't go putting things in my mouth ... Mr. Velveteen Rabbit.
So let's talk about sex! I am of course not getting any and I just have to complain about it. Recently I had the mother of all funny sex stories happen to me. My girlfriend isn't what you'd call adventurous. She's not really into the whole four-play thing. Now don't get me wrong she's more than happy to allow me to go down on her... Read More
Edited cause I was just boohooin' and all. Jeezz I really shouldn't drink. The Happy Valentine's Day is ok that wasn't a boohooin' deal at all. Now that other stuff ... ugh, no more drinking and I need to either start coping or doing drugs..
Oh update already. I go to your page to show some burning man pictures to people and the first thing they see is "So let's talk about sex!" ... They give me this look so I say,"Well he's not getting any. He's very upset. Very." They are like ... so update ... please.
Ok then, not blonde but Saggitarius: It's no secret that you're a force to be reckoned with when being brutally honest. But try not to go too far overboard. You can get your point across without saying anything deliberately hurtful. Besides, if you do, you'll only feel so guilty that you'll want to apologize.
force to be reckoned with=bitch
brutally honest=mean
deliberatley hurtful=genuine
I am for educational purposes only. For matters of the heart, I remain clueless. As for Nova, if found not with you or in a Jeep, she will be mine. Mine I say. For around me, dogs have been known to vanish without a trace. Well, except for the dog hair by my bed. I'm just sayin'. lol And I hope I didn't fall overboard .. although it may explain this lifejacket.
I'm sure anything can be worked out if willing. I am strong willed about certain issues. They are cute little issues though. Damn Min Pins.
Well now, things have gotten a lot better. suddenly my girlfriend has done a complete turn around and has started acting like her old self again. As a member of the male half of our species I'll never truly understand what goes through the female mind and why you do the things you do. However, as long as things are going good I suppose that... Read More
oh darlin, im so sorry about your friend.. they are lovely and will always be part of your soul.. as for the gf and such.. good luck baby, sometimes the heart does work in mysterious ways, cleaning on the other hand only get done by hard work. take care ...
oh you're most welcome. hope you are doing better and your other animals are adjusting okay.
i know, i know, i know! Snow...i want snow... it's raining here today, how about there?
Ok, yeah, I had to come to see more pictures and stuff after my comment on your other post. I'm really dreading my Bronson's one year anniversary date so well anyway, I wanted you to read the following poem in response to your " i hope we see each other again someday maybe in another life." I know they say misery loves company but that isn't my point but sorry if it brings you down ... it isn't meant to. There will be some days it will help, I promise.
The Rainbow Bridge Poem
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
work sucks, i have to put my dog phoenix to sleep, and my girlfriend has been in a bad mood alot lately. that about covers it. however, the creativity continues to flow. this new song i've been working on just keeps getting bigger. let's just say that i've been experimenting with a lot of sound mangling techniques and using instruments that i don't normally use.
crap ... image failure ... dammit.
[Edited on May 18, 2005 11:37AM]