TatuARTE en la Piel # 59
Yes 1 more for the 5th anniversary!!
Send us comments, good or bad, we dont care, articles, pictures, presents, money... dont worry we can use a lot...
Here is # 59...
Pam on the cover, intervieuw with this great N.Y. tattoo artist David Sena, some comments on the 3th Queretaro Tattoo Convention, an article on piercings, energy and Chakras, a few words on Eylane Angels little paradise in Merida,B&B&P.
And as usual all the regular stuff, pictures, flashes, Cover Up, letters, books, records, etc...

Talk to you all soon!!
Yes 1 more for the 5th anniversary!!
Send us comments, good or bad, we dont care, articles, pictures, presents, money... dont worry we can use a lot...
Here is # 59...
Pam on the cover, intervieuw with this great N.Y. tattoo artist David Sena, some comments on the 3th Queretaro Tattoo Convention, an article on piercings, energy and Chakras, a few words on Eylane Angels little paradise in Merida,B&B&P.
And as usual all the regular stuff, pictures, flashes, Cover Up, letters, books, records, etc...

Talk to you all soon!!

que buena portada, qu linda chica!
un beso y la mejor de las vibras