Well went last night to see Rezurex, great band a few Nekromatics and a few Tiger Army, but what a bad show, 3 hours to get in, almost freezing outside, hunderds of people waiting to get in, at 12 they opened the doors, the flyers said 9??? Inside it felt as a sweatlodge, the Rebel Cats did their show, it was O.K., theN the principal band, but what the fuck we never heard the voice of the singer, at least six persons on stage to fix the microphones, and nothing, the band played as hell, great, but no voice during the whole show, why just everyone thinks that they are sound ingeneers???<p>
Ruben Vera is in the house, just a few days and will be tattooing in Evolution tattoo here in Mexico City...<p>
Just bought luckys new mansion, glad she liked it, almost had to threw out some stuff of the apartment so this tower would fit, hahaha...<p>
By the way, last week I was elected as an A.P.P. Board member, well, sounds great but still dont know exactely whats the next step!!! <br>
Thanx to all you A.P.P. members and specially the ones that voted for me!!
We are working on our 5th anniversary issue of TatuARTE en la Piel, so if you have something to say please do so, if your comments are not tooo bad we might even publish them<br>

Ruben Vera is in the house, just a few days and will be tattooing in Evolution tattoo here in Mexico City...<p>
Just bought luckys new mansion, glad she liked it, almost had to threw out some stuff of the apartment so this tower would fit, hahaha...<p>
By the way, last week I was elected as an A.P.P. Board member, well, sounds great but still dont know exactely whats the next step!!! <br>
Thanx to all you A.P.P. members and specially the ones that voted for me!!
We are working on our 5th anniversary issue of TatuARTE en la Piel, so if you have something to say please do so, if your comments are not tooo bad we might even publish them<br>