Ya nada mas faltan 10 das para obtener las mejoras tarifas para los seminarios de la APP en Mxico, es tu oportunidad para asistir, aprender y apoyar y as hacer crecer nuestra industria, con higiene, seguridad y buena educacin!
Seminarios: Mircoles 17, jueves 18 y viernes 19 de Septiembre, 2008
Primeros Auxilios y RCCP: Sbado 20 de septiembre, 2007... Read More
Well, we are working on our 2008 calender with TatuARTE magazine, so as you might understand, we are looking for Suicide Girls, with tattoos, piercing, actitud, etc...
If you are interested then please let us know!!
You can check out part of the magazine on this site or completaly over here: www.tatuarte.com.mx
(For which we always can use... Read More
Nicky Hsia is family from Belgium and she made it to the final for miss SUPERBABE 2007 !!
It's all in Dutch but just follow these simple steps
1 Go to: www.hln.be
2 Go to: HLN superbabe; de finale
3 Go to: Hier te stemmen
4 Fill in the regisitration (where it says Province, just put Andere)
5... Read More
Yep, this was fast...
Issue 62 just came out, with a great cover & PosterTwwly
An intervieuw on Fingazz a Bod Mod artists from Chile, done by Beto Rea
An article done by Ron Garza on his tour with J. Durante to Tailand and getting their tattoos
Memo from Dayaks wrote about the suspension classes done in San Jose in sky's place educators were Allen... Read More
Well, another APP convention went by, the 12th so far...
A lot of things happened, a few of new classes, roundtables, a lot of new members, a lot of international attendees, Paul Kings President's Award, Squeez and myself as new boardmembers...
To make this convention better every year we realy want your comments, good or bad ones, about this years convention or... Read More
it was nice to meet you that banquet was long..
I went because I wanted to see new jewelry, learn about materials and talk with other piercers.
I thought the classes were kind of disorganized and the speakers lost their focus a lot.
I really did like how tom brazda talked about surface bars.. and how they came to be.
I liked hearing what the two guys from the glass company had to say
I would love to see a better class about medical risk assessment.. the one that was there just wasn't up to par
I would love to have a class focused on foreign piercers.. I know my province has little to no regulation and it's very scary.
Hey, after having that myspace account for several month I finally decided to do something with it, so here i am...
Think this is a great place to look for new friends, old friends, friends in the Bod Mod Industry, friends in the Music Industry, so go on check out my space and be a friend...
Despues de tener la cuenta en my spcae... Read More
por cierto yo ya me imaginaba que la kat seria tan famosa, porque ademas de chida es increiblemente amable. le regale un retrato que hice de ella y lo presumio como si realmente fuera la gran osa haha tiene una habilidad inata de hacer sentir a cada uno de sus fans, unico. entre que es muy talentosa y eso, mucha gente la quiere.
ya quiero que sea la proxima expo tatuaje y apenas fue!
me quede con las ganas de tatuarme, pero siempre que pienso en mis padres arrancandome la piel a jirones. . se me quitan las ganas!
Yes 1 more for the 5th anniversary!!
Send us comments, good or bad, we dont care, articles, pictures, presents, money... dont worry we can use a lot...
Here is # 59...
Pam on the cover, intervieuw with this great N.Y. tattoo artist David Sena, some comments on the 3th Queretaro Tattoo Convention, an article on piercings, energy and Chakras,... Read More
Well went last night to see Rezurex, great band a few Nekromatics and a few Tiger Army, but what a bad show, 3 hours to get in, almost freezing outside, hunderds of people waiting to get in, at 12 they opened the doors, the flyers said 9??? Inside it felt as a sweatlodge, the Rebel Cats did their show, it was O.K., theN the principal... Read More
chido, chido, que chido que exista TatuARTE en la piel.. increible que tantos aos se mantenga como una revista de tatuje en mexico de calidad! simepre imitada y jamas igualada!
la mancion de lucky esta de pelos.. "ladronde la conseguistes mai" que seguro a mis tres bestias les facinaria algo asi!
no me entere de ese tockin, se supone que lost acapulco toca el domingo en el alica, vas a ir?
Well went last night to see Rezurex, great band a few Nekromatics and a few Tiger Army, but what a bad show, 3 hours to get in, almost freezing outside, hunderds of people waiting to get in, at 12 they opened the doors, the flyers said 9??? Inside it felt as a sweatlodge, the Rebel Cats did their show, it was O.K., theN the principal... Read More
Hey, here some pictures from our trip to Huatulco, whish was great...
Every day was sunny, the beaches were clean and the water was clear you could see the fishes swimming around you, we also saw a big turttle when we took a trip with a boat to some virgin island, there are still some island were you only can get by boat. there was... Read More