Van Halen was FUCKING AWESOME!!!!! They put on one hell of a show. The audio was pretty good, other David Lee Roth's vocals (they just could not seem to get it loud enough). They used the d&b J series line array for the show. AMAZING sound. They had 24 dual 18" subs and 4 12 cabinet arrays hanging (sorry I it part of what I do for a living that is the only reason i have included that). The lighting was well done, as a designer I always find a couple of flaws but again, it is part of what I do for a living... David Lee Roth puts on a hell of a show. Eddie still is a fucking amazing guitar player. Alex is still one the top drummers in the world, his solo performance was second to none. As for Wolfgang, who everyone seems to bitch about, the kid is pretty fucking good. I heard people bitching about him on the way out ot the concert, but for a 19 year old kid playing on a world tour with 3 legends, he was surprisingly good.
All in all, this was the second best overall show I have seen. Everything about was great. Even the contact high from the guy sitting next me...
All in all, this was the second best overall show I have seen. Everything about was great. Even the contact high from the guy sitting next me...
and a funny pic of me in vegas in december thought you might get a laugh out of it!