my wife is sick, I feel like crap to, and the roommate does not have all of his crap out yet... Other than that things are going pretty well. I hope everyone is doing ok...
More Blogs
Thursday Jan 01, 2009
happy -
Wednesday Dec 31, 2008
yay... -
Sunday Dec 21, 2008
I am sitting here watching hockey. GO BRUINS!!!!!! -
Saturday Dec 20, 2008
I bought a new TV a 52" LCD, a blu-ray player, and a stand for the n… -
Tuesday Dec 09, 2008
Those of you that know me, know that I have not had the best streak o… -
Monday Nov 24, 2008
I am getting a new video game this week... Left 4 Dead. The game lo… -
Sunday Nov 23, 2008
I only have to work 3 days next week... It is going ot be so nice to … -
Friday Nov 21, 2008
It is a sad, sad day. I found out tonight that my favorite waitress … -
Thursday Nov 20, 2008
I was so very very wrong. Today at work was anything but boring. We… -
Thursday Nov 20, 2008
i do not want to work today. It is so freaking boring right now.
And tell the roommate to get his crap out or it's going on the curb on trash day
Or sell it
<3 K