After a serious pause in proceedings, it's time to get serious!
I am back in the UK after a brilliant bash around NZ.
You know you have to catch up with ya nana when ya can!
Anyway it's back to the 0044 and back to sorting out this thing called my life.
My work seems to be pretty much rolling mess that it was when...
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I am back in the UK after a brilliant bash around NZ.
You know you have to catch up with ya nana when ya can!
Anyway it's back to the 0044 and back to sorting out this thing called my life.
My work seems to be pretty much rolling mess that it was when...
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Is back in ole london towne
NZ I am coming for you!!!!
Can't wait for a taste of home...should sort me for a little longer in London.
Can't wait for a taste of home...should sort me for a little longer in London.
I will let you in on a little secret...
I am really really good at cleaning.
I am really really good at cleaning.
Then you should embrace your cleaning skills and tidy my house.
Did i mention that it is most often naked and drinking?
I hurt. But it's that good hurt, you know the kind you know you have earned.
You know you like it hehehe
You know you like it hehehe
Thank you for adding me!
Time for a change...any suggestions?
Seriously any ideas?
Seriously any ideas?
Okay so what has been going on?
Well here's the skinny.
I have been attempting to get my wrecked body back into order.
The past years of indulgence and sitting in front of a computer screen have taken their toll.
Plus to be honest I am not as young as I used to be...and you know what I don't want that to be a cop...
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Well here's the skinny.
I have been attempting to get my wrecked body back into order.
The past years of indulgence and sitting in front of a computer screen have taken their toll.
Plus to be honest I am not as young as I used to be...and you know what I don't want that to be a cop...
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Viva la Revolucion!
I think it's working...I will keep you informed.
So the experiment has begun...
I will keep you updated with results.
Should be interesting, time to roll the sleeves up.
I will keep you updated with results.
Should be interesting, time to roll the sleeves up.
Is about to investigate better living through chemistry...
So I have been more or less sick...or getting sick for the past 2 months now.
This is getting beyond a joke. Currently I am a messy gunk of throaty green stuff and nose fluorescent shite.
I am starting to lose my mind on it. I think I do an okay job at trying to be healthy, lets face it that ain't the easiest thing...
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This is getting beyond a joke. Currently I am a messy gunk of throaty green stuff and nose fluorescent shite.
I am starting to lose my mind on it. I think I do an okay job at trying to be healthy, lets face it that ain't the easiest thing...
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Mind, I can scratch off the foreign languages~ Porque yo ya hable espaol et francais aussi. Languages are sexy, doncha think?
But I am getting there...Languages are hell mega sexy and you already speak French and Spanish. Muy impresionante
But you probably already knew that hehe