As some of you know me and @albertine are working on what is going to be OUR first photographic book .
A celebration of interesting, yet accomplished, sexy, empowered persons thought photographs and texts.
We both truly believe that there are many amazing women out there with likewise amazing stories whom need to be illustrated and commemorate.
During the Femme Fatale Event (opening tomorrow at 5 pm - North East Italy) one of the photograph i recently shot of my glorious woman @manko will be exposed.
This is going to be the first preview of the book to a huge public.
If you are following me on IG you can keep track of my work, also regarding the book. #erikazfigabomba #figabombananadventure
Lately i am receiving loads of very positive feedbacks about my work from many of you. Thank you so much! That gives me so much honest satisfaction!
Be ready for more work to come! I have been recently at the shootfest in Portugal with dozens of 'gawgeous' babess..
@illusion 's set is now in MR.

Please Welcome our new italian hopeful @belarmina. She is such a babe!
Love Bombs,
Waikiki // Erika Z Figabomba

Manko and you working together is like the perfect team, that photo is beyond amazing and beautifull <3 good luck with your project

congratulations on the book!