If you would
not be forgotten,
as soon as you are
dead & rotten,
either write things
worth reading,
or do things
worth the writing.
This are not my words (of course). As far as I know a guy born on this
very day in 1706 wrote that: Benjamin Franklin. Unfortunately the SG
web page doesn't allow me to put that year in to...
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not be forgotten,
as soon as you are
dead & rotten,
either write things
worth reading,
or do things
worth the writing.
This are not my words (of course). As far as I know a guy born on this
very day in 1706 wrote that: Benjamin Franklin. Unfortunately the SG
web page doesn't allow me to put that year in to...
Read More
7 million fucking pounds, quite an investment. Did you work on Blackhawk Down? I really enjoyed that flick. Anyway, I kinda stopped listening to U2 after Joshua Tree. I thought a lot of the passion had gone.
I was wondering if you could do us a favor. You see I have this policy of dumping people who don't update in a month, so I was wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing just a little.

Ja, sicher, bin ich interessiert. Ich finde es schwierig, auf Deutsch zu schreiben aber ich kann es gut lesen. Mein Vater und ich sprechen nur Schwyzer duutsch zusammen. Ich muss mein Hoch Deutsch ben.
I look forward to hearing about your universe bending dreams.
I look forward to hearing about your universe bending dreams.
"Die nackte Frau tanzt den Tanz ihrer groen Befreiung."
Ach so?
Ach so?
When I worked in London I was travelling by underground every day from
Brixton (where I lived) to Oxford Circus (where I worked). On several
occasions I noticed a poem which was written somewhere in the tube
where you normally would expect advertisments. I can't remember the
exact words and kind of regret that I didn't write it down. But
basically it was about someone...
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Brixton (where I lived) to Oxford Circus (where I worked). On several
occasions I noticed a poem which was written somewhere in the tube
where you normally would expect advertisments. I can't remember the
exact words and kind of regret that I didn't write it down. But
basically it was about someone...
Read More
Yes, the party was fantastic and even included some ice skating...no, I'm not a little kid, but I do like to go ice skating..only on my birthdays.
No Tantra lessons for me from the yoga guru. Now that would have been a present that kept on giving.
No Tantra lessons for me from the yoga guru. Now that would have been a present that kept on giving.
I'm sorry but I can't resist to write down some German words I just read:
"Die gefaehrlichste Weltanschauung
ist die Weltanschauung der Leute,
die die Welt nie angeschaut haben"
Alexander von Humboldt
With that quotation starts a book called "Los Angeles - Berlin, Ein Jahr" by Franka Potente and Max Urlacher (a X-mas present from my lovely stepsister Inatz)
BTW the AltaVista Babel Fish translation isn't bad:
"The most dangerous world view
is the world view of the people,
which never looked at the world"
"Die gefaehrlichste Weltanschauung
ist die Weltanschauung der Leute,
die die Welt nie angeschaut haben"
Alexander von Humboldt
With that quotation starts a book called "Los Angeles - Berlin, Ein Jahr" by Franka Potente and Max Urlacher (a X-mas present from my lovely stepsister Inatz)
BTW the AltaVista Babel Fish translation isn't bad:
"The most dangerous world view
is the world view of the people,
which never looked at the world"
Somewhere on my body
Friends all over the world
All kind of things
that's me