School's out for summer!
So I can finally have some free time. Despite still having to work everyday, not having university neither german classes makes my days seems like weekends all week
There's been 5 and a half weeks since I last posted a journal entry here. Even tough I had absolutely nothing to repor from these weeks... Just finals suckin my life dry....
But my finals have endend on last Saturnday, and from then to now, I do have a few stuff to share...
But since then I have half of the day off (other half spent working... and I have already some stories to share.
Let's begin with the begining; just as I exited my final test, I went straight to the eletronics shop and bought myself a new Xbox360, but it was modded and banned from Live (piracy is a huge problem in my country). So I sold it and bought a original one. It came with a kinect, I asn't excited about it at first, but when me and my friends played Fruit Ninja Kinect, well things changed.... But still is just silly fun, I'm still a old school geek gamer that rather play sitting in my couch using my controller, instead of jumping around the room...
So far only game I have (aside of Fruit Ninja) is Modern Warfare 3!
I haven't even finished the single payer campaing and had little time on multiplayer, but it's ok.
Cuz after all it's holydays, X-mas is right around the corner, and belive it or not; I'm decorating my house for it today. Better late than never...
Despite being excited for X-mas and new years eve, there is one thing that pisses me of this time of the year, fireworks. Ok, it's beautiful spetacle at January 1st 00:00, but cracking'em all day long during december is just a pain in the ass, still it's what most of people do in my town.... And that pisses me of, not only cuz I don't like it, but beacuse it scares my dog.

So I can finally have some free time. Despite still having to work everyday, not having university neither german classes makes my days seems like weekends all week

There's been 5 and a half weeks since I last posted a journal entry here. Even tough I had absolutely nothing to repor from these weeks... Just finals suckin my life dry....
But my finals have endend on last Saturnday, and from then to now, I do have a few stuff to share...
But since then I have half of the day off (other half spent working... and I have already some stories to share.
Let's begin with the begining; just as I exited my final test, I went straight to the eletronics shop and bought myself a new Xbox360, but it was modded and banned from Live (piracy is a huge problem in my country). So I sold it and bought a original one. It came with a kinect, I asn't excited about it at first, but when me and my friends played Fruit Ninja Kinect, well things changed.... But still is just silly fun, I'm still a old school geek gamer that rather play sitting in my couch using my controller, instead of jumping around the room...
So far only game I have (aside of Fruit Ninja) is Modern Warfare 3!

Cuz after all it's holydays, X-mas is right around the corner, and belive it or not; I'm decorating my house for it today. Better late than never...
Despite being excited for X-mas and new years eve, there is one thing that pisses me of this time of the year, fireworks. Ok, it's beautiful spetacle at January 1st 00:00, but cracking'em all day long during december is just a pain in the ass, still it's what most of people do in my town.... And that pisses me of, not only cuz I don't like it, but beacuse it scares my dog.
And sice he is no chihuahua he causes a lot of havoc when he gets frightened, last time he decided to go dovahkiin on one of my dragon statues.
Now I'll have to use my white mage skills, and super glue, to revive it....
I would write more, but it's getting late, so I'll go ahead with decorating for christmas, maybe I can manage to upload a few pics of it later....
adorable dog!