Nostalgia, occupy moviments + national shame and exhaustion.
Past week were crazy for me in both good and bad sense of the word...
I've been trying to write a post since Thursday, but still hadn't the time. Aside of reading a few posts and tooking a peek in a few pics of a few sets (didn't even saw the whole stuff), I haven't done nothing on SG. Actually, other than researching stuff to write a papaer for a internship application I'm on, I have barely used the internet this week (even tough I was online on Facebook, SG, msn and stuff... just weren't really using'em...)
I have slept little and worked much, so when Saturnday night finnaly arrived I was exhasted, but there was the birthday party for a friend of mine, so I couldn't rest,she would be very disapointed if I didn't show up. But that's no problem, I simply slept all day long today
But, I got to admit I haven't slept little only due to work... From Tuesday to Thursday I had an awesome nerd nostalgia night with my friends... Well, first let me give you a little introduction about me and my friends. I'm a nerd,people may sometimes think otherwise cuz usually I'm more with a badass/heavy-metal looks, than with the default "big bang theory" nerd look that common people would expect. But whoever got to know me, doesn't take long to see my undeniable nerd/geekness. And my friends, whose friendship dates back from high-school, are nerds too (of course).
So what? Well, back in schooldays we used to get together in someone's place and play vide-games and talk bullshit all night long. The kind of fun that we gamers don't have playing online each one in our houses (if you're a gamer, you'll probably understand that). And, since Wednesday was a holiday here in Brazil. We decided to honor the old times and do a nerdnight like we used to. All girlfriends were left at home, just bros that night... And old school games, no Gears 3 or any recent games... Newest game allowed there were GRAW 2, but we really focuesd our gaming on older ones, from PS1 and 2 and N64. It was indeeed awkard, but real funny. At some point we felt 13 year old again.
It's a experience I recomend to anyone that still have the same friends from long ago. No I'm not recomending you to play old games with'em exactly, but to do something you used to do back when life were simpler that it is now. As we grow up, we aquire a lot of new responsabilities and worries, and it's great to relive the time we those didn't existed yet.
Changing subject, as I wrote before, I read a few SG posts during the week, yesterday I read Bob blog, were she wrote, among other things, about the Occupy Oakland movement, and it got me thinking on all the Occupy Moviments around the world. People are getting together and protesting against social and economic inequality. Mean while in Brazil, the students from USP - University of Sao Paulo, the most respect university of Brazil, were, supposedly, the most brilliant minds of the country study; are conducting a protest of thir own... but they aren't fighting for equality.
No, in a country wich corruption, starvation and lack of education infests the land where 52% of the cities have no basic sanitation, what most troubles our greatest thinkers is that the police doesn't let'em smoke pot and do drugs inside their university campus, thus they can't financiate the neighborhood drug dealers and local militia (for more info see "Modern Warfare 2"). Makes me real proud....
This sign reads: "end of political persecution immediate withdrawal of criminal cases against students and workres" refering to two students arrested for seeling and using cocaine inside the university campus.
This one says "my daddy pays everything for me so I can afford being a revolutionary" and worst part is, he is not being sarcastic....
Well I think that's enough life sharing and political bitchin' for a week.
thx for the attention
Past week were crazy for me in both good and bad sense of the word...
I've been trying to write a post since Thursday, but still hadn't the time. Aside of reading a few posts and tooking a peek in a few pics of a few sets (didn't even saw the whole stuff), I haven't done nothing on SG. Actually, other than researching stuff to write a papaer for a internship application I'm on, I have barely used the internet this week (even tough I was online on Facebook, SG, msn and stuff... just weren't really using'em...)
I have slept little and worked much, so when Saturnday night finnaly arrived I was exhasted, but there was the birthday party for a friend of mine, so I couldn't rest,she would be very disapointed if I didn't show up. But that's no problem, I simply slept all day long today

But, I got to admit I haven't slept little only due to work... From Tuesday to Thursday I had an awesome nerd nostalgia night with my friends... Well, first let me give you a little introduction about me and my friends. I'm a nerd,people may sometimes think otherwise cuz usually I'm more with a badass/heavy-metal looks, than with the default "big bang theory" nerd look that common people would expect. But whoever got to know me, doesn't take long to see my undeniable nerd/geekness. And my friends, whose friendship dates back from high-school, are nerds too (of course).
So what? Well, back in schooldays we used to get together in someone's place and play vide-games and talk bullshit all night long. The kind of fun that we gamers don't have playing online each one in our houses (if you're a gamer, you'll probably understand that). And, since Wednesday was a holiday here in Brazil. We decided to honor the old times and do a nerdnight like we used to. All girlfriends were left at home, just bros that night... And old school games, no Gears 3 or any recent games... Newest game allowed there were GRAW 2, but we really focuesd our gaming on older ones, from PS1 and 2 and N64. It was indeeed awkard, but real funny. At some point we felt 13 year old again.
It's a experience I recomend to anyone that still have the same friends from long ago. No I'm not recomending you to play old games with'em exactly, but to do something you used to do back when life were simpler that it is now. As we grow up, we aquire a lot of new responsabilities and worries, and it's great to relive the time we those didn't existed yet.
Changing subject, as I wrote before, I read a few SG posts during the week, yesterday I read Bob blog, were she wrote, among other things, about the Occupy Oakland movement, and it got me thinking on all the Occupy Moviments around the world. People are getting together and protesting against social and economic inequality. Mean while in Brazil, the students from USP - University of Sao Paulo, the most respect university of Brazil, were, supposedly, the most brilliant minds of the country study; are conducting a protest of thir own... but they aren't fighting for equality.
No, in a country wich corruption, starvation and lack of education infests the land where 52% of the cities have no basic sanitation, what most troubles our greatest thinkers is that the police doesn't let'em smoke pot and do drugs inside their university campus, thus they can't financiate the neighborhood drug dealers and local militia (for more info see "Modern Warfare 2"). Makes me real proud....

This sign reads: "end of political persecution immediate withdrawal of criminal cases against students and workres" refering to two students arrested for seeling and using cocaine inside the university campus.

This one says "my daddy pays everything for me so I can afford being a revolutionary" and worst part is, he is not being sarcastic....
Well I think that's enough life sharing and political bitchin' for a week.
thx for the attention

oh and yea MW3 is Awesome! think of an improved MW2. I honestly didnt like Black Ops and thought it was a move down after MW2, but im loving mw3 so far