It sucks having to say good-bye, it sucks more when you have to say it because they can't. God I hate Tuesdays. I will never get the hang of these fuckers.
Oh, there are some comics and things out there!

Ultimates 2 #13- I wasn't really sure it came out, but it did. I hope that delay was not as a result of their uber-folding panel shot. What was that like 12 pages long? It was decent shot, and the placement of Quicksilver in it was cool, but it wasn't anything to blow the doors...
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I am in agreement with you about almost everything you said here.
and as if you weren't tempted enough already:

They're hanging saviors again.

Am I the only who equates the ice cream truck jingle with creepyness? I know the majority of them have to swell folk dispensing their quantities of frozen sugary goodness but there have to be one or two out there with all kinds of wrongness about them. All that wholesomeness just has to have a shadow someplace.

Review some comics damn you! just kidding. sort of.
One of many paths to enlightenment in the tradition of the lesser vehicle:

swallow and throw-up at the same time.

Now maybe the internet is providing something useful instead of its steady regurgitations of porn and blogs about Anne Coulter. It's been 3 days since the last time I was elected the spite-fucker, that was a weird day, and a mostly weirder weekend.

Ah shit,...
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Howdy! Are you a writer?
My interactions and detached appreciation for truckers has suddenly increased, always a plus, and a lot of the reason has to do with the fact me and my mates used to grow some stubble, dress up in dirty vests and plaid flannels, and don black hats that said "Good guys where white hats" before heading off to the nearest truck-stop for some coffee at 2...
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NA Illuminati is excellent! Apparently these are all ultra-secret world savings that have been going on for decades. They have been meeting in secret since the end of the Kree/Skrull war to answer the threats that not even thier fellow super-folk can handle or even know about. In the first iss of this mini they fought off a full-scale Skrull invasion armada, and then issue two was on to the infinity gems, so expect to see a totally different story in each of the upcoming issues.

I dunno if Reed could feel inadequate around ANYone. He is very fucking fantastic.
I'm getting better at drawing ugly people, but I'm still pretty bad at it. If anyone wants to draw my comics, I'll be happy to let them.
what is the cause of this anger and repression, and why am I inverting my rs and ps. They are the twin suns of rap and pour, poor, run-up, overall and going down the by hi way to he say no fay day lay gay wave. It's not a hunger mungry dance but it's a loose and change drop-your pants. It the here to there...
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Joe Straczynski's lesson on why less is more:

Would you like to have dinner? 6 words

I kind of like you. 5 words

I care about you. 4 words

I love you. 3 words

Marry me. 2 words

Most intimate thing you can say:

I've been rolling this one around upstairs for weeks now. Damn.

So here's a thing. I am sitting here, listening to Alan Moore talking about magic, politics, culture, and comics, and using his voice as a stimulus for some work because I'm the kind of writer who does odd things like that, and I take a pause to stare at the floor, and slowly but surely I begin to see the face of a bearded figure...
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It was bright, like every other dream I've had this week. Bright, with shining skies and large, round clouds on every horizon, and I was approaching a bowl, just a gigantic object with a huge mouth, resting among other impossibly big structures, and there was the girl inside, just sitting on the lip, a lance resting against her hip.

Her right leg dangled down, kicking...
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