I base almost everything I do (I try not to believe in too much) on the duality of impermanence.

The polarity shift would seriously alter everything, and that could attend a collapse of the mundi electronic. I also think a lot about The Matrix, and the nature of people as power cells. As we're making constant advances in medicine, infant care, geriatric care, we have rapidly, exponetially increased earth's population, and the human mind generates an incredible amount of electricity.

6 or 7 billion "copper-tops" and counting what.

This is going to or is having an effect on the earth's electromagnetic field, not to mention all the atomic bombs we've detonated and the huge amounts of power we're generating. Global warming aside, we are going to alter this planet.

Let's just hope there isn't a power-obsessed, extra-solar civilization keeping an eye on us, cause we've probably become a pretty shiny light bulb.
I love the air. It always smells so nice on the east coast.

thank you so much for commenting on my set! It was actually super cloudy the morning that was shot, so I was really worried that it wasn't going to work out. Luckily, after I arrived in Toronto the clouds passed, and it warmed up. biggrin kiss
If today became the twenty-first then yesterday was my time to die!

Did you know that suicide sets are invisible cells? The favorites, arranged in five like the number of existence.

I still need air.

I'm very healthy according to the last doctor's office visit, but I am slightly allergic to cheddar. Why cheddar?

I don't even like cheddar, and I can still eat it, its just there is a chance I could have a physical reaction to it.

A chance with cheddar. Curiousier and Curiousier.

I'm also convinced I am going to be struck by lightning, bully!
I keep wondering if anyone is actually reading this.

I don't "care" per se, because a large part of this is just being able to write in essence these anonymous letters, send them off into whereever, this cyber-void which they say is possibly the only permanent thing mankind can possibly create, seeing as how nothing can ever be deleted. It always exists someplace, but more...
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whats up bro? when i first got here no one read my journals either, i still dont think many do biggrin
Alright, so being wildly unable in the past to gauge the actual timbre of the politique, I have this assertion which I am going to do everything in my stupefyingly limited power to bring about:


Get on it now, cause its the only real chance there is.

I fully expect the dems to somehow bite themselves on the ass instead of actually removing...
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A friend of mine said to me once during a conversation that, "Wars have been fought over beautiful women."

My response was, "Wars should only be fought over beautiful women."

I'd fight for the Suicide Girls.
So as soon as I finish this bowl of grapenuts I will write this post.

Grapenuts=good; healthy so I can die on my own terms aka wrestling a bear. Here's the plan. 55(age), hopping on the horse, riding up into the canada till I find a bear, and wrestle that som bitch. If I win I come back and head for Africa and a Lion....
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I can't draw, so here's a short script. If you want to illustrate it go ahead. That would be cool.

Me(looking concerned and worried): Holy crap Suicide Girls, I think my brain is wadded up in a piece of scrap paper on the floor beside my manuscript.

SGs(disregarding my pain):Let's be honest, it's for the best. It wasn't doing you any good anyway.

Me(drooling and...
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Thank You For Smoking.

Quite possibly the funniest movie you will see all year. I don't know why, but you want to be Nick Naylor. He's so good at being a son of a bitch.

I've always felt that being a son of a bitch is not something you have to do well to enjoy, but like sex, if you are good at it, it's...
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Happy St. Drinky McDrunkums Day! Where's my corned beef? M'unngry! wink smile eeek

puke puke puke
Thank you for the sweet comment on my new set! kiss
Well today is racking itself as one for the books. Too bad they're going to burn them all tomorrow.

We have a reaffirmation of Pre-emption. If you rationalize it, it turns to candy. Lick it!

I once listened to the only true genius I have ever met, a man with whom I imagine you can equate the experience of speaking with Einstein, explain how he...
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Well this is it, isn't it? This is the whole deal Rilke was on about in his Letters to a Young Poet, or part of it.

Is there anything that isn't a fraction of the larger whole? Is the apple complete unless it is eaten, unless the seed is spread and germanated. And once its eaten, is it ever whole again. Apples for peace, peace...
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