So here's a thing. I am sitting here, listening to Alan Moore talking about magic, politics, culture, and comics, and using his voice as a stimulus for some work because I'm the kind of writer who does odd things like that, and I take a pause to stare at the floor, and slowly but surely I begin to see the face of a bearded figure...
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It was bright, like every other dream I've had this week. Bright, with shining skies and large, round clouds on every horizon, and I was approaching a bowl, just a gigantic object with a huge mouth, resting among other impossibly big structures, and there was the girl inside, just sitting on the lip, a lance resting against her hip.

Her right leg dangled down, kicking...
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Someone put the shiny on the ceiling, now we have to take the whole thing down. Here's some dialogue from the new graphic novel:

There is my contempt. What is your brandished alchemy doing so slightly beneath the ground? You spin out like particles in a sandy wind. This small star here, how many more are there? You are the ripple but where is the...
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thank yousmile
"Now get the fuck out of my store!"


"That's that."
thanks -- where's your stuff at?
If you take too much of vitamin or a particular mineral, you can get violently ill, and poison your system. What about words? Can you spend too much time dealing in arbitrary symbols assigned meaning by their sequencing and/or juxtaposition. Do those mists surrounding the bridge of illumination, inspiration, and consciousness out of which we pluck the tenuous particles of idea carry within their intangible...
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Today is a Chris Marker / Ron Mueck

This is what started the day:

His eye, the good one, follows the curve of its socket in tracing with an invisible beam the circle of dishoarmony that is his face, extracting from the edges of his vision a cognitive map he imagines inverting to form a contour against the window he is standing beneath. The air...
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I may or may not be holding a sword right now. So the question you have to ask yourself is, why?
thanx for commenting on my new set, I appreciate all the feedback!
have a great weekend
xoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoo ooo aaa
Here is a CD mix-list for yas to enjoy. The title of the mix is Cooking With Sega, although the title could use some tweaking. The mix is arranged around the idea of numerous elder statesmen welcoming freshman congressmen into the fold, which is what is happening over here. Oh, and I don't know if you heard about Keith Ellison, but he is now my...
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I don't know if you can hear me, but I don't hear anyone else saying it. Oh wait! Yes I do! EVERYONE is saying it.

New York, is warm. Not warm and fuzzy and good in the way you think of Pooh, but in the, "I think we may drown when the ocean suddenly rises due to melting glaciers and ice-caps sliding into the Atlantic"....
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So aside from the cool new apartment I have with really high ceilings which allows me to practice with weapons in my kitchen, the sweet, 20 min commute to work instead of the hour and half, the abundance of coffee shops, bars, music venues, tattoo parlors, and skee-ball joints, the thing I have to say I instantly love most about living in Brooklyn instead of...
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I think the heat has failed in the building.
Oh thank you! I'm glad you liked it... sorry to hear you are freezing your balls off.
Quiet and introspective Saturday. Will make new home in Brooklyn. Queens no home.

Saturday's Reading List:
Bhagavad Gita

The Kabbalah Tree by Rachel Pollack

Introduction to Tantra by Lama Yeshe

Synchronicity by Karl Jung

Tao te Ching by Lao Tsu