This blog might be more non-sensical than normal. I haven't slept in over 48 hours. I've tried. I really have. A few times a year I will suffer from some type of insomnia for some reason or another. It's apparently that time of year. I feel like Ed Norton in Fight Club. I just rolled around all night and didn't really get any sleep.
I'm way more hyper than I should mega-spaz level, cracking dumbass jokes that make no sense but I'm so tired. It's like I took uppers and downers at the same time or something. I think I need more exercise...either that or more booty. Probably both. Any takers? Haha. (See what I mean?
I got invited to go down to NYC this weekend by my one of my friends, and I'm still debating it. I know it's kind of sacrilege on this site, but I haven't really been a huge fan of Halloween. I've had some bad drinking experiences...but good stories, I guess.
One of them involves me going to a Halloween party dressed as a Goth (which is pretty much the opposite of me) and getting groped by a few girls, only to almost screw a friend's girlfriend. (She showed me a batman tattoo on her ass and it all went downhill from there). Sounds like fun, right? Well...I was so fucking wasted that I called a friend to give me a ride home at 3am and had to pee so badly that I got out of the car at a red light and took a piss on a hospital. I was so drunk I couldn't zip up my fly as they were really tight pants and my hands were NOT working right. So my junk is occasionally flopping out for half the night. Anyways, I'm taking one of the best leaks of my life against this hospital and look across the street and see a cop car. My friends scream at me to get back in the car. Luckily, the cops didn't do anything, besides probably laugh.
I get back to my place...which was one block away...and I forgot what happened after that. I woke up naked, and stuff was spilled all over my apartment. Clothes, food, makeup and hair dye all over my pillow. Worst hangover ever. Apparently, I also nicked my weiner. Oof... So that was one of my Halloween escapades. What about you?
I'm way more hyper than I should mega-spaz level, cracking dumbass jokes that make no sense but I'm so tired. It's like I took uppers and downers at the same time or something. I think I need more exercise...either that or more booty. Probably both. Any takers? Haha. (See what I mean?

I got invited to go down to NYC this weekend by my one of my friends, and I'm still debating it. I know it's kind of sacrilege on this site, but I haven't really been a huge fan of Halloween. I've had some bad drinking experiences...but good stories, I guess.
One of them involves me going to a Halloween party dressed as a Goth (which is pretty much the opposite of me) and getting groped by a few girls, only to almost screw a friend's girlfriend. (She showed me a batman tattoo on her ass and it all went downhill from there). Sounds like fun, right? Well...I was so fucking wasted that I called a friend to give me a ride home at 3am and had to pee so badly that I got out of the car at a red light and took a piss on a hospital. I was so drunk I couldn't zip up my fly as they were really tight pants and my hands were NOT working right. So my junk is occasionally flopping out for half the night. Anyways, I'm taking one of the best leaks of my life against this hospital and look across the street and see a cop car. My friends scream at me to get back in the car. Luckily, the cops didn't do anything, besides probably laugh.
I get back to my place...which was one block away...and I forgot what happened after that. I woke up naked, and stuff was spilled all over my apartment. Clothes, food, makeup and hair dye all over my pillow. Worst hangover ever. Apparently, I also nicked my weiner. Oof... So that was one of my Halloween escapades. What about you?

Geeze, get some sleep kid.
I have no Halloween stories. But if you want to come hang out with me, you are more than welcome to. I am not doing anything.