So I figured I would make a blog post on this because I really spent a long time on this painting, and if anyone is interested, these are some of the steps of the process:
Rough Sketch
Pretty big jump to an almost-finished body. Hid the background to see edges of the layer in Corel Painter X.
Worked on the hand, and some more of the figure to tighten some things up.
And here is the image complete with shitty background! Haha. I need a lot of work on my environments. I think the figure came out pretty decent, though. I really tried to infuse a lot of color into the smallest of things. It is often my goal with my artwork. Why paint black when you can mash together 3 completely different hues to show life in something?!
I hope everyone likes it! Now I must find some ice to stop my hand from cramping...

Rough Sketch

Pretty big jump to an almost-finished body. Hid the background to see edges of the layer in Corel Painter X.

Worked on the hand, and some more of the figure to tighten some things up.

And here is the image complete with shitty background! Haha. I need a lot of work on my environments. I think the figure came out pretty decent, though. I really tried to infuse a lot of color into the smallest of things. It is often my goal with my artwork. Why paint black when you can mash together 3 completely different hues to show life in something?!
I hope everyone likes it! Now I must find some ice to stop my hand from cramping...
Also, the cloud tattoos are Palo's! They were one of the reasons I chose the picture. Such a funny tattoo.
Dan, definitely give painter a shot if you have a decent wacom tablet. I use an Intuous 3 6"x8" and it rocks. Compared to photoshop, it's pretty different. I think Adobe has spent much more effort in terms of workspace organization than the Painter team. It kinda drives me nuts the way the tools are setup...but the brushes and way that they react is amazing.