Its been 5 days and I'm glad that i have at least a minuscule amount of closure. All of this is just hard. I dont really know what you tell other people or if you're still not telling me everything because in some way maybe you're just trying to save face like him. I still don't really have any firm ideas of why this happened because any time i ask you about it you just tell me "i dont know". I was looking at your deadjournal today. It's kind of ironic the last entry is from october 05, oh how the times have changed. I wish we could go back to that time and fix everything but who knows if this cycle of events wouldn't happen at some other time down the road. Maybe in some sick sort of way this is for the best. It just really really really sucks. If i meant nearly as much to you as you imply you could at least sit down think of the events and try and give me some kind of answer why and not just "i dont know". After all of this I sometimes just wonder why im still trying to work out this friendship?