RIP, Mr. Griffith.
Greetings, SG Nation... Just thought I'd announce I've lost 11 pounds in 3 weeks. Not bad for a you who fell of his diet after day 4.....
All you lovely people here who are divorced, seperated, of whatever else you call it, I need your help. Don't want to bore with details, but got into a huge fight with the ex a few days ago. It really bothered me that it bothered me. I dont want to get back together and if it wasnt for my great kids, I'd tell her to...
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So, had my day in court. Was scared shittless..... I'm too cute for jail, I kept telling myself.. For speeding and not one, but two failure to apprears, I was in for $2600 in fines. Heart attack money. Told the judge I was a fucking tetard, not with those exaxt words, and he reduced it to $550. Still, too much $ but much better than...
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So glad you managed to get it reduced. Damn.
I am the biggest fucking moron ever!! Got a speeding ticket in November while working out of town. Set a court date, then forgot about it. Rescheduled it after the threat of taking my license, and I got the dates mixed up!!!! FUCKING IDIOT!
you know, I have actually done this before. 

Why is it when you find someone you want to take it to the next level they are either taken or 3000 miles away?
Wish me luck! I need all the help i can get. So not motivated for this diet, but when I jave a hard time seeing my foot, its time to do something about it. Started nutrisystem last week. It lasted 2 days before I said fuck it I'm hungry. Start day #2 today. Going for 3 days without a cheat. Let's see how it goes
It's pretty said when a friend of mine has this posted on her blog... your too fat and ugly to be a SG. you like that? don't commebt my blog bitch.
I was under the impression that EVERYONE was beautiful here, not matter what they look like. SG is a place that all of us get to express ourselves with out worrying about being called...
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I was under the impression that EVERYONE was beautiful here, not matter what they look like. SG is a place that all of us get to express ourselves with out worrying about being called...
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I love your attitude. It's so true. When I came to SG I learned immediately what I was hoping for was true....a haven where we can be OURSELVES, and loved for that...not judged or put under pressure to be anything but. Whoever said that is probably very insecure.
Thank you dear for sticking up for me. We are all beautiful
Heading up to Camarillo tomorrow for a job walk... Looking forward to getting the hell out of OC for the day. Does anyone know a good place to eat??
sure will!
FUCKING BITCH!! I don't understand why this has to be so hard. Cliff Notes version. Invited to a party with some friends of my ex and mine. She wasn't invited, so now, not only are our friends backstabbers, I am one too, according to her. I know this was going to happen sometime, but I didn't think it would start WWIII!!!
Why am I such a pushover?? i have made the claim that I'm a nice guy that doesn't have to relay on being a pushover. All the ex has to do is give me the "look" and out comes my checkbook again. I tell myself that she's the one who left and fuck it, but it's soooo damn hard when she uses the kid card....
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thanks for the birthday wishes 

Day two of the 3 day weekend I haven't done shit. Pretty pathetic. Pawned off kids last night. Played some PS3, then went to be. Being single has got to be better than this. Am i expecting too much?